do they train you guys to be that rude at both stores?! i work at a pet store and still prefer yours , except when i come in all i get is dirty looks and people turning away and walking in the other direction.
wtf is up with that your job is sales /customer service i dont see why any of you even bother working there with your attitudes. all you need to do is acknowledge the customer with a smaile and hi , atleast then they know your friendly and approachable and if need help they will come to you.
I came in one day with yes my work uniform on after work it was late but the store wasnt closing for another 5mins , me and a mate were looking at the fish and then one of the staff members turned the tanks light of and walked out back , sure im the competition but thats bloody rude!!! i was actuly gona purchase something to!
i will be informing your stores superior's im sure they would love to know