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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. lol dont like those maybe neons lol
  2. yea i saw that today still cant confirm what one it is though
  3. will get some when i have the chance
  4. what bricardi varients have you guys seen? im sure ive got a varient.. it has a blue gill plate instead of the yellow colour also tail not as extended as they normaly are i cant find what varient it is ,if it is one... lol anyone else got any ideas?
  5. lol so this means more tanks now?
  6. 4liters o lol!!! ok ill have to tear it down and start again in a smaller tank! :lol: yea boi aro will look good in there haha any ideas on what fish would look good in there i wasnt actuly gona put fish in it but a school of tetras of some sort could look ok i guess
  7. dixon said he was gona make a plastic tank into a nano planted tank lol so yes i thort i have a small plastic tank spare so id give it a go to lol its 97l id say thats nano lol
  8. haha yea its just under 100 liters 46cm perspex cube tank the anubias in nearly all one piece that i got out of my cichlid tank i did use nylon to attach it to the wood
  9. heres a few picks sorry there not great, thanks dixon for giving me the idea last week :lol:
  10. yep a few ay the clowns enjoy them
  11. bro these are like big lol umm ping pong ball size
  12. bro we got these bad green ones look the same az apple snails but green o and those brown ones mystrey snails...
  13. im after the six bar in the display that ryan has helpd me get but i have to go threw a certain person to get hold of it , so might have to call him to let him know , also a tropheus ikola down there
  14. o its cool il just wait til ryan gets back lol hopefuly it dont sell
  15. theres a fish at wet pets i want just cant get it ,anyone on here thats able to get it for me and send it to aucks? lol ill pay for it all ovcourse :lol: pm if anyone can help cher
  16. huh did someone say something? :-? haha jus jokes bro ur the man of the day
  17. Notopterus notopterus duh lol didnt look at the dorsal haha
  18. yarimochi... do they train you guys to be that rude at both stores?! i work at a pet store and still prefer yours , except when i come in all i get is dirty looks and people turning away and walking in the other direction. wtf is up with that your job is sales /customer service i dont see why any of you even bother working there with your attitudes. all you need to do is acknowledge the customer with a smaile and hi , atleast then they know your friendly and approachable and if need help they will come to you. I came in one day with yes my work uniform on after work it was late but the store wasnt closing for another 5mins , me and a mate were looking at the fish and then one of the staff members turned the tanks light of and walked out back , sure im the competition but thats bloody rude!!! i was actuly gona purchase something to! i will be informing your stores superior's im sure they would love to know
  19. im 100% its not chitala lopis! been looking them for along time and thats not one xenomystus nigri is what i also think it is wana have a bet henward?
  20. he will be ok for a wee bit then out grow them and eat them lol
  21. o cool! where did they come from?
  22. lol probly not wondr what you saw tho
  23. lol go buy it if you did see one :lol:
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