importers are not going to waste there time in getting a 'few' particular species in just cause a 'few' people would like them.
ive talked to one importer an he no longer brings in malawis cichlids , as he said they take so long to sell an its just taking up room time money.
this will be the same for many species that a few of you want, theres not enough market for them.
an when we are lucky enough to get a few new things hardly anyone fronts up with money an makes purchases, seen it time an time again.
thinking everyone on the forum is going to donate $20 towards contribution funding for new fish species to the added list is a retarded idea most people are happy with what they got or can purchase from a store already they couldn't care less about this idea.
if you have the time knowledge and money setup a facility , im sure the select few will be very happy