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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY



    aint your pictures of l200's ? lol dont look like l128's out of the water


    nice! did you see someone spawnd them overseas?
  3. i think i need a bigger list :lol: running out of space
  4. lol theres a mass list for these guys ,ill put you both down haha gona grow the first group out to a good size first , hopefully there will be more spawns on the way
  5. lol ryan thats looks just like my pair

    alto comps

    i now have over 30 ov these 8)
  7. i know a few breeders now who keep males and females togeather in pairs and groups with no problems , if you provide enough space and keep well feed they rekon its fine all there breeders are mint they just provide cover for girls when male wants to breed otherwise leave them to it ... meh i dont kno eh, im growing up 4 togeather at the moment see how it goes
  8. could drill a hole in clear plastic so water drains itself all sounds a bit dogy tho, can you return it and get a new hood?
  9. football training then some weights haha usuly help if im a lazy downer then playstation dvds and choclate hahaha
  10. ooo i was just looking at this when it came in and checked the name but remember now. ill check for you next week i do know it grow very fast under good lighting
  11. sweet ill have to try it all so far got some fancy feats chucky chicken :lol:
  12. grow fast i had 3 in a 700liter tank 35-40cm and 2 20cm ones they alot, cool fish just make sure you can rehome when they out grow the tank tho
  13. flip !!! i hate when ppl screw you around like that :evil:
  14. i can get them im prety sure ill check and let you know
  15. what cat food brand do you guys feed your water dragons and how often would like to add some to there meals every now and then
  16. :bounce: nice to bad footballs not bigger in nz hopefuly oneday
  17. had a 40cm one very agro would beat up pacus oscars and everythn else bigger than him
  18. native ones? nar must mean mud fish totaly dif there tropical your also gota keep the air humid a reptile lamp can help you do this ,plus they like basking in the sun weird lil things haha
  19. yea some shops will have them now not many around tho
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