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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. cherry spot? is that mean to be bulu point? or sumthn else
  2. fc barcelona!!! ronaldinho's my idol 8)
  3. hes real hard to contact , dw man living will have to get him of you :lol: if i can ever get hold of the dude
  4. lol cant say over hea , wel best i dont
  5. thats what i was meaning nice diagram
  6. if you set it up a bit differntly you could make it so you have taps on each tank so you can run an internal filter on it if you have a sik fish or something. and it wont effect any other tanks. maybe instead of having the overflows running back into the tank below have them all leading into a larger pvc pipe that leads back to the sump. if you know what i mean? :lol:
  7. you could run uvs between the plumbing or return pump to combat problems like whitespot..
  8. haha im just joking with you bro :lol:
  9. henward you just said ..rope fish is not apparently ornate bichir lol?
  10. best thing to do is go to your bro and get them to sort it out
  11. just turned 20 over the weeknd so started lisnen to some of the songs that got me threw high school lol just to rember the good times haha new found glory - my friends over you new found glory - all down hill from here new found glory - your biggest mistake greenday - when i come around greenday - minority blink 182 - whats my age again blink 182 - man overboard sum41 - in too deep sum41 - fat lip millencolin - ray
  12. to many to choose man!!!! lisnen to bob marley three lil birds at the mo Don't worry about a thing cause every little thing is gonna be alright....haha yeaya
  13. mate had a goldfish for 23 years! yea passed away last year thort that was a good effort in a 3 foot tank zna 100% water changes lol
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