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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. What a lovely fellow, best looking Surinamensis I have seen in a long time!! That big bold head
  2. Very nice chunky Oscars
  3. Upload your pics here: http://www.photobucket.com or... http://www.picturetrail.com Then copy the Img link and paste into your messages
  4. :lol: Well I guess it's then.... take note Gingas or freckleys.. don't hand feed fish... :lol:
  5. I like to feed out Novo Rift, Spirulina Flake, Cichlid Pellets, Aqua One Flake, and also they get Frozen Brineshrimp and Daphnia.. and frozen mix.. some more in moderation than others... I feed mine 3-5 times a day, seems alot.... but I don't swamp the tank in food, I give them enough to eat in one sitting.. And the odd Wafer the Mbuna love also...
  6. You need import licences etc to, alot of expense to set up
  7. You must have a hippy couple evil :lol: Laid back... And peace out dude... :lol:
  8. Start off with Kribs and then feel your way, however, a breeding pair of Kribs with young in the tank can be a danger zone for others in your community tank... So just be aware
  9. Hiya They are a substrate spawner My pair that have young at the moment, stripped a whole heap of Aragonite out of the middle of a rocked area, later down the track... hello proud mum and dad with their little gang of fry.. amazing to watch them, and the pair are so good with one another, almost proud.
  10. Apparently cardinals are much longer lived than Neons
  11. Camera batteries are charging to take pics of other tanks so heres one I already have in comp... our Malawi Tank in our bedroom at the end of our bed... 700 litres plus Tank has since been topped up with water, we ran out of energy that day after tankscaping the whole thing again.. :lol: Have a few tanks yet to come.. Fishkeepa - Post away, there will be NO fun or mocking made of anyones tank, they are all unique and special Oh and YES I know pic is crooked on the wall!!! :roll: :lol:
  12. Could it possibly now have dropsy? http://www.petlibrary.com/goldfish/dropsy.htm
  13. *Runs off to charge cam batteries and grabs the glass cleaner* :lol: Oh not to mention the algae pad... :-? :lol:
  14. I unplugged the heater because it was raising to high where the tank is situated by a window and its stabilizing on 26 degrees with heater unplugged of which I am happy with..
  15. Oh awesome that she is doing better Keep us posted.. Bet shes rapt to have found a caring home by the sounds... I have had to unplug my heater in the grow out tank... and it's still running at 26 degrees overnight
  16. I don't see a problem with Quartz Chip, however you would have to be careful it's not too sharp.. make sure its rounded substrate...
  17. Mostly African species JZ.. both Tanganyikans and Malawi... And keep South American species.. Usually have a few Africans available now and then..
  18. :lol: Transcriptus can also be very sensitive to water changes, alot of Tangs are but the trans in general can be pretty sensitive, even more so than the Marlieri, I have the Marlieri also and they are so much easier overall.
  19. Crikey.. what internet site did you come across that stated they were something else other than African? :-? If you didn't want to go too large in the way of tank wise housing them, especially with wanting to branch out into some other tank mates, you could always kep a nice colony of Demasoni (dwarf Mbuna) also... The contrast of colour is truely beautiful.. Yellow against the vibrant blue.. Electric Yellows usually stay around the 9cm mark in the wild but in captivity can often reach the 15cm mark, I have some big fellows, so it might pay to think bigger tank than something that would be just enough... long term.
  20. I have transcriptus, lovely fish but very highly aggressive... not with other fish, amongst themselves, you need a reasonable size tank and alot of rock work for transcriptus.. the other two may be here but haven't seen any around. Quartz chippings, I am not sure about... I have never used it, and don't know anyone who does, doesn't mean no one else out there doesn't tho? Substrate shouldn't have sharp edges etc either so you would need to make sure there isn't that problem.
  21. I have mine on Aragonite, or coral sand is fine..
  22. They get to roughly 15cms.. Ph of around 8.2, like the tank a little on the warmer side, around 27-28 degrees... however I have mine around 26-27, very happy. They come from Lake Malawi.. you can house them quite happily with other Mbuna, Peacocks etc... Definately don't keep Africans with Americans, I know some do, but I don't go advocating that, they need different water parameters etc.. And also, just a quick note, it does pay to get a bit of background of info on a fish if you are getting it from another fish keeper or they should have really given you the info to be honest, or even if you find something in the store, read about it first
  23. Just keep an eye on her, is she eating? And give her something to possibly hide in, Kribs do like their hidey holes, she might be feeling a bit vunerable sitting in a tank with nothing to hide in. Just nice healthy water and airation and she should be fine, as I said, keep a close eye You may have found she was breathing a bit heavy due to stress of moving etc..
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