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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Welcome to the forums, you will love it here A fair few CHCH fish keepers on this forum to
  2. I have Lelus in with my Frons and Alto comps for now, and also have a nice Rubin Red Peacock in the tank, he seems to draw the fish out alot more... even tho my Frons have never been shy as such, all are happy chappies, I know what you mean about bare when they are small, our 8fter was like that but now the Frons are growing it looks alot fuller :lol: I wouldn't go putting anything in with them just yet till they are a bit bigger, how big are they currently? I would let them settle in first.
  3. Welcome to the forums, you will love it here
  4. So sad that they didn't reach their full potential size, and were stunted, however I am stunned by their finnage, very nice Great you got them back tho and gave them a good home.
  5. Afrikan

    Hi all

    Would love to see some pics of your fish sometime Jewelz, what species do you keep? Would be happy to help out anytime with fish etc down the track, have a few bits and pieces here that I am breeding currently. And if you want wealth of knowledge.. herefishiefishie is the man to ask :lol: The kiwi transformed Ozzie :lol:
  6. Afrikan

    Hi all

    Welcome to the forums Great to see another African keeper!
  7. Welcome, you will love it here
  8. We have bought most of our external filters new, however, we bought a second hand Fluval and it works like a dream still.. I wouldn't look past second hand if it has been running smoothly beforehand. However, then it comes down to sellers word :lol: At least with brand new will get a "fix or replacement" option within a time frame... Aqua One stockists were running a special on their filters, so might pay to get one.. as some stores have the special price running..
  9. Some people have luck and some people don't.. my mum has rams in her tank that have been there for donkeys.. I used to keep them in a planted tank and had luck with them also.. mine even spawned but I didn't do anything with the eggs... and they got eaten.. We ran peat through the external filter in a stocking and the water softened...
  10. http://www.aquatic-hobbyist.com/profiles/breeding/bluerambreeding.html http://www.dewinters.nl/english/fishes/Apistogramma%20ramirezi.htm Good Luck with the breeding, neat challenge
  11. I know it wasn't you that said that, realise that TGWH posted it :lol: You would never say such a thing ;) :lol: Just copied from his post to have a laugh at
  12. You have nice weather there today Jude... it's not as good here today.. RATS! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Tank looks good Mystic even with limited plants... However, the suppliers put out a reasonably good list of plants... so you could always obtain some from a LFS, most would get them in for you....
  14. Sorry if my last reply bothered you Ballistic, however, when I read a post I read the WHOLE post.. I didn't seem to be the only person rattled by it.. This whole thing is a not a case of.... "Release the Hounds!" :roll: it is only merely stating how we felt about what was said... as I said, freedom of speech...
  15. Mystic... I think the following... I think it is up to the people at the time, if landlords and parents are happy for large tanks to be in their homes then so be it... I don't think it should have been directed as landlords and parents overall, everyone has different situations... And no body needs to be told the above, once again it comes to common sense and people going about their own business.... It would have been great if the post had have just been left at the pointers ie power consumtion, space etc, the other bit just didn't need to be said, so it got past being informative... Nobody is slamming Joze at all, it all comes down to freedom of speech and people can debate or disagree, as long as it is kept in a polite manner Have a feeling this may well turn into one :lol:
  16. That is the issue for alot of fish if you are wanting to keep them with Discus, some can't tolerate the higher temps and expire quicker than they normally would.. I am not sure about the Zebra Loach... They are a hardy Loach but not sure on the water temp whether or not they would live happily.. You could always ask on a Loach forum of some sort if there is one.. I am sure I saw one a while back.. hmmmm
  17. I would pass up on the Skunk Loach.. they can be a very aggressive loach.. and can attack... and I have seen fish fins after a result of having two rather actively aggressive Skunks as tank mates http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuhikotakia_morleti http://www.loaches.com/species-index/yasuhikotakia-morleti If you didn't want a loach that gets as big as the Clown Loach, I have kept Zebra Loaches in the past and they are rather laid back compared to others you find. They are a nice fish. http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile65.html
  18. Great looking tanks.. Billaney, Mystic, Tim Tam, Rogan and Not a Soldier And Ants.. that tank was to die for........ *Drool* Yet to get the rest of mine up, will be early next week I think :lol:
  19. Totally in agreeance.. I don't think it should be a case of posting like "Camp Mother", there are ways and means of posting without actually coming across like people are halfwits...
  20. I don't think people need to be guided on what to do and not what to do when it comes to their OWN personal decision on tanks... and their OWN business... I am pretty sure most people out there choosing to have a big tank have had clearance by their landlords if renting, or from other house mates... I think most of us are young adults here right through to older adults, and I am sure we all have a brain...
  21. Afrikan


    Welcome You will love the forums, it's a great place
  22. Oh crap :-? I can understand you being gutted..
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