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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Should be fine and dandy David Here is a little link: http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_festivum.php Yes you have got to love the Jack Dempseys! I have a beautiful BIG pair and they are both a pair of wusses, certainly don't live up to the reputation they are given :lol: Texas Cichlids are nice but they usually are VERY aggressive :lol:
  2. Umm the tank would be far too small for Arowana Not a good look at all. I think your combination will be fine David As SW has said the Festives can be aggressive, my mother had some and YIKES talk about owners of the tank, they can pack some punch, they are top swimmers most of the time... Keep us updated
  3. I wondered if that might be the case.. :lol: He's one of the "THEMS" LMAO :lol:
  4. Afrikan

    golden johnii

    Dig away, I like to be dug at sometimes, keeps me alive :lol: Gannet - I had also purchased two straight golds, till they got a big larger and started to develop the vertical bars.. out they went...
  5. Afrikan

    golden johnii

    I am still embarassed about that Ryan!!!!! :lol: Hard night with a waking child and running on half open eyes in the morning before our trip up North :lol: :lol:
  6. Afrikan

    golden johnii

    I wouldn't be purchasing anything that has come on the lists recently as Johanni, I have seen females come in with horrific vertical banding, not good quality at all :-? :-? I wouldn't want to risk the fact that they maybe something else or hybrid of some sort.. bit worrisome....
  7. Limestone would be good snookie, I definately don't see you having a problem keeping a nice pair in your tank.. you might have to weed out young for space but that can be done Mine are very content in pairs as I said before 8)
  8. Mine used to come out all the time, with fine substrate.. dim the lights at night and the little blighters would pop out
  9. Excellent supasi and how service should be huh
  10. Yeap it's only recently this lot came in to Frenchy, will see if I can get you a good pic of one or two.. definately have spots... they definately came in as Electric Blue Haps to... :-? :-? So with what you have said, seems like the suppliers have been diddled by the exporter :-? :roll: Then a month or so down the track fryeri came in, fryeri being more or less double the wholesale price.. and they are definately fryeri, so seems you get the good with the bad in imports :-?
  11. I don't mind things being fed out as live food, not a problem with that at all I just couldn't live as a molly in the tank, having a turtle deciding whether hes hungry one day or hes going to leave it till another day... :lol: I also saw that auction on TM, the guy with the turtle in with tropicals and the state of the fish was disgusting, the fish were in poor health and the fins were badly mauled and he said the fish were too fast for the turtle.. poor things would have been on edge the whole time.
  12. Bugger living in fear for the rest of ya life... That would be like us having to spend the rest of our lives in a tiger enclosure... :-?
  13. Wouldn't it be awesome if the "Ahli" did make it here, however I am sure the price would be hideously expensive and deservedly so considering how RARE they are... We have Sciaenochromis fryeri here and that's all I have seen so far. Oh and not long ago some... (common name once again) ... "Electric Blue Haps" came in, definately not Fryeri, they have the spots on the body and more of a blunt face. Might nip out to Hastings and get a couple of pics for ya Frenchy.
  14. So what about most cichlid sticks on the market? With added animal fats and proteins? I just want to be 100% sure with what is best for Frons
  15. Sounds like Frons are the fish version of a Pride of Lions, male gets his fair share of nosh first... and he doesn't have to hunt for it :lol:
  16. Great stuff, love the black rocks against the white substrate
  17. How are you ever going to stop a GUTS!?? After all it is MALE :lol: :lol: The stuff I feed sinks to.. infact they wait for it to sink, mine have table manners fishy_t, you should teach your boy some manners :lol:
  18. Thanks Frenchy I had read that they shouldn't have anything food wise containing mammal products or beef??? Is this right... What sort of sinking cichlid sticks did you use? We are going to be making up our own frozen mix with shrimp and krill etc... So far mine have Frozen Daphnia, Ocean Plankton, Baby shrimp, Frozen Brineshrimp etc, and soon the frozen mix, but would also love to feed them a sinking pellet food that is suitable...
  19. What's their usual diet consist of fishy_t? :lol: :lol:
  20. Seeing the name Ahli.. I wasn't aware that we have the TRUE Ahli in NZ???
  21. The problem being is, the last lot of Wild Caughts that came through from a supplier, only some were wild caught and some were actually captive bred.. yet they all came in on the "Wild Caught" consignment... so... even the retailers and suppliers are limited with fact or knowledge with what is ACTUALLY wild caught and what's not....
  22. Afrikan

    Cuckoo Catfish

    I am thinking of getting one rcon, so shall let you know, I am pretty darn certain they are the real deal this time after seeing 2 of the new consignment myself... I am tempted to snag one, and then take some pics
  23. Oh hell :-? What more can one say..
  24. Question as above... Curious to see what people are feeding their Frontosas?
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