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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. to this.... OOA isn't the above a bit of a contradiction then? I think alot of people are confused to what has been going on, you don't reply to some.. It comes down to common decency in replying back telling someone yes or no, you have got something available for them or you haven't..
  2. I agree, I mean I think it is most important that people use the correct Scientific names.. I mean the name change obviously had been done for a reason , overall I like to know what I am buying, and I think it saves a huge amount of confusion.. It isn't a case of "who cares". Because others care, and it's a shame that things are advertised falsely.. and fish are brought into this country wrongly identified... but once the correct identity is learnt then why don't people adopt this? Why carry on calling it something that it isn't...?
  3. Afrikan


    We have fed the odd one or two to our Oscar in the past, yum yum munch
  4. Sorry I don't eat this, but Africans might :lol: :lol: You could give them a whirl, I have put left over aquatic plants in my mbuna tank and they have had a good munch.. And I actually had some very robust Vallis that I floated in the top and it's been annialated.. Good old Mbuna :roll: :lol:
  5. If it was more than one and they started popping off gradually I would be concerned, however, since it is a one off, I wouldn't be overly concerned, there was possibly something wrong with the fish.. maybe internally, maybe the stress of all the changes it has had... just keep an eye on the rest
  6. Hiya Daniel The pic you recently showed me, the fish is a fryeri... there are more than one variant of fryeri.. It is not an ahli. As for the other, probably another strain of fryeri, is it possible you could put some pics up?
  7. :lol: :lol: Mince, you're a hoot Name: Mekhaela (also known as Micki) Age: 28 Family: Husband and 1 child Pets: Dog, 2 x cats, 1 x Alexandrine (bird), 2 x turtles (red ear and a snakeneck) 2 x Blue Tongue Skinks, and African and American species of fish x god knows how many!!!! :lol: Job: Housewife now, hubby works in LFS store and teaches and trains in Ninjutsu and Brazilian jujutsu. Hobbies: Well fish keeping of course :roll: :lol:
  8. Afrikan

    Fron Pics

    Here are a few pics of the Frons. these pics are taken before Rock work addition Tank is now alot different but thought I would post these pics before I add the updated pics First pic... Here is a pic of the Frons tank mate, one of my Peacock boys.. Hmm bit of a blur (not unusual tho Mekhaela!) :lol: :lol: And lastly... pic taken from distance, pictured in their BIG home... (so hard to take a pic of the whole tank in one shot) :roll: (and hmm excuse a bit of glass smear, hadn't yet cleaned the full front after water change) Updated pics to come... And boy do they love fresh shrimp!!!! Talk about feeding frenzy...
  9. The head shape is distinctively different.. and the Fryeri has the orange flash in the anal fin.. Would be nice to get some Ahli here tho 8) Wishful thinking on my part and also would need the credit card me thinks :lol:
  10. Very nice! They are an awesome addition to a small fish community tank
  11. Yeap they are so rare that I have even seen a post on the Cichlid Forum from the American guys saying how RARE these fellows are and they would love to get their hands on some.. I have seen those fish that came in as "Ahli" (if these are infact from the same supplier that I am referring to), bit suss looking IMO :-? However the Fryeri that are on the lists are nice.
  12. I think some "Rift Lake" species are far more layed back than others I think if you have a passion for Rift Lake Cichlids then go for it! To date, we have never lost many fish through aggressiveness, the only thing we did lose infact were some Demasoni, as we had 6 together, didn't have the numbers up enough, that was a while back now. I think it comes down to having your tanks balanced in numbers In the way of Tangs, we had some Comps that thinned each other out... But I don't think one could go as far as saying that Rift Lake species in general are vicious.. I think it depends on individual species.. And there are some pretty nasty non African species of Cichlids out there and some Angels can often be lumped into that group :lol: :lol: But in the case of Kenyi and Angels.. I agree with the guys... YEEEIKES definately not a good combination
  13. You can feed yours treats as often as you like I just found if I spoilt them too much they became a bit lazy :lol: :lol:
  14. And also if you give them too many fancy treats, they can become lazy and algae will become your problem instead of the bristles job :lol: :lol:
  15. Never had to use Metro before.. hubby knows dosage rate but he's at training at the moment till late, so maybe someone might be able to jump in and answer that one before then
  16. Mine go mad on Courgette also...
  17. Great stuff, will be good to sweet talk the vet into some Metro We have a pair of Geos over 20cm, hoping to get them right and spawn them again soon... They are definately restless and wanting to spawn again, just want to get them better first, so really rooting for them... We used to have a huge pair of Surinamensis a while back. We have some small Juru grow ons and some small Suris also... also have some Geophagus steindachneri.
  18. Maybe an Electric Yellow and Demasoni maybe? Pics would be great!
  19. Yeap Metro apparently is brilliant, it's a case of getting it from the vets, I have a small supply here, and I not long ago purchased a large pair of Geos, who unfortunately were showing signs of HITH.. I am going to treat them with Metro and fingers crossed all goes well.
  20. Afrikan


    Congrats Alan, great stuff!
  21. Hiya Mince Could you use metal baking tins etc and make a mesh lid to fit..? Just an idea, as it means they can't chew out of tin etc
  22. You haven't got sharp driftwood in there have you, at least a piece that may be pointy enough to snag his nose if he has run into it, this can be common.. hopefully it heals up nicely, if not, I would put him in a seperate tank, nice clean water with a bit of salt.. and if you get to desperate measures then a bit of Melafix.. How is it looking now? Geos and other cichlids etc can also be prone to Hole In The Head disease, and it can be more so common in Geos... from the pic it does look like an injury.. just a note on the Hole In The Head tho, often starts as a small open pore look.. and expands and goes deeper.. and often has a white fluffy piece in side, then when the fluffy piece falls out... you will see a crater... it's not normally the HITH that kills the fish, it's the bacterial infections etc than can set in... If nipped early enough fish can be treated with success, but often it can be a battle if a little too far gone.
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