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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Great stuff ryan... only one off egg, keep us posted :D
  2. Oh bugger, guess that is just unlucky.. :roll: Our friend had to seperate his lot, he had young coming out of his ears... There are some awesome pics posted guys, keep them coming.. love having a gawk at peoples lovely fish 8)
  3. Nice little suri... 8) And great pics of your suris Simian, they are just gorgeous.. A friend of ours has never had a problem with aggression with his suris, his lot have never turned on one another, must have the perfect balance in his tank... they have bred readily and the male has never turned on any of the females in the tank... None of my suris have been vicious to each other either... I had two very large ones about a year ago and they were a box of birds with each other too... 8)
  4. Can you relate Johnny...? :lol: I love fish... have even eaten raw fish before that had been marinated in Wasabi sauce type marinade, wasn't bad... yet I am also one of those people that like steak with a nice amount of blood in it :lol: I could never eat a fish that I would catch out fishing tho... I can't see anything live and then eat it later... It has to be fish that I haven't seen in living form... so fresh fillets bought from a shop.. :roll:
  5. Looks like the Red Finned Cigar Shark... however one with a deformed face... and extremely underweight and in poor condition... Here is a link to the above... http://www.aquariacentral.com/species/db.cgi?db=fresh&uid=default&ID=0566&view_records=1
  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: Classic :lol:
  7. Great filter idea spoon 8) And love your planted tank Zabman, and the love the size of those leaves on that lotus!!!
  8. Here we go Zabman... 8) http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/posting-pics-in-the-forum-vt2406.html
  9. Wow love the little goby tank It would be wicked if it is brackish
  10. Hehehe purchase a heating pad for under your tank, tuck the cord behind cabinet or stand tank is on and your other half will not know thee difference :lol: :lol: If only eh :roll:
  11. Electric yellows I find to be one of the most placid mbuna I reckon 8)
  12. You could do with a bit more buffering for africans... they won't die at 7.2 but they do much better with a higher ph... 8)
  13. Sorry but my hands are tied... I am only a moderator here, not a gate keeper :roll: If anyone would like to know the store in question then email Tabz on his personal email address as he was the person who notified others that this is going on...
  14. Oh in that case, you are one out of a chocolate box DavidR :lol: :lol:
  15. Yes I do to But I have had calcium based rocks sitting in a holding tank and the ph hasn't buffered one bit
  16. Don't tinytawny, you are only learning, the main thing is, the hatchett is still alive and now happily in your community tank... And has anyone stopped to ask what tinytawnys ph is at in her african tank... there are rather a few people new to africans or ones that choose not to keep their africans in a high ph...
  17. Yikes... if I even tried to put angels in my african display, they would end up angels alright.... :lol: :lol: :lol: How do they handle the different water parameters? Nice pics people
  18. Love your tank puttputt 8) Stunning
  19. Yeah definately if you are going to keep them seperate, keep just the one pair as ryan suggests.... harems don't tend to work for jewels unless you have a huge tank and there is enough space for pairs to form their own territories... They will attack anything that gets in the way of them and their babies... I saw a mess one made out of someones severum once... :-?
  20. I can well believe it firenzenz... they are excellent parents and will try and take on anything that they see as a threat huh :lol: Seems alot of people are intent on keeping them in with peaceful community style fish too... that is definately something I am over...
  21. I never had a problem with Jewel parents attacking each other, the pairs were excellent.... if you move your two then just keep an eye, each fish are individuals. Once mum and dad start travelling around the whole tank with babies, look out fish I reckon Ryans suggestion of a divider is a good idea, might give you peace of mind for both parties...
  22. Nice dog Ira.... 8) Speaking of fur being dealt off, when I used to have my horses clipped, a friend of mine would take the horse hair and send it to a friend in CHCH for his canaries nests???? :roll: :lol:
  23. Beautiful suris They are stunning And awww thanks ryan.. can't wait to get some of your additions this weekend 8) I am thinking I need to go camera mad tomorrow and try and take pics of things that I haven't yet photographed.
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