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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. She is one lucky female :lol: Well hmmm that could be debatable tho, 3 males to pick up after :-? I love the constant niggling Bolivians do.. almost head butting at times.. they are full of personality.. but can be little devils.
  2. You could add a female but hmm it could start a punch up, that boundary line may not exist if a female is brought into the equation 8) A couple of females sounds like a better idea, fun watching them pair off too Would just have to watch one pair doesn't decide to own the tank and make life a living hell for the other, how big is your tank?
  3. We fed BBS one they free swimming/egg sack gone.... but inforsoria and microworms will go down a treat I am sure :lol:
  4. They love densely planted tanks with heaps of caves... Hmm they could even be busy if you have a pair in there :lol:
  5. I like to treat whitespot naturally before any meds... Bump temp up to 28 is a good idea, extra airation and a bit of salt is all I do... and seems to nuke it well. But a heater in your tank would be what I would do to try and get that temp up in the tank. Carbon will take the discolouration out, possibly won't remove all but nothing that gradual water changes won't fix 8)
  6. Great stuff mumzy Easier 8) Bolivians are fun tho, and they are just gorgeous as babes
  7. Sajica are as aggressive in their own way, they can be fair little terrors towards a particular fish of their own kind that is being singled out, and will go as far as killing the fish if it is that much of a problem. I had a tank full of females once in a holding tank and they decided to pick each other off... before we intervened. The pair we have are excellent with one another, real little trojans with raising their fry, but we had a pair together that bred before this current pair, they were good parents too, but not overly the best with each other at times... Safety in numbers is an excellent idea I reckon. Just a trial and error thing, but yes they can certainly go out of their way to make life in a tank difficult for their own kind even if the spawning area is down the other end of the tank.. they can travel to give the fish a good crack :lol: We like the idea of keeping a pair per tank when they are ready to spawn just to be on the safe side.
  8. Aww heck, always the way.. We have in the past had to seperate some out due to pecking order.. it is getting to the stage now with the fry alot larger now, we are going to thin them out into sizes, some are very aggressive feeders.... I know what you mean about being greedy, the pair are always up the front looking like it is feed time.
  9. If you use a canister, there are some great ones out there that come with a surface skimmer, aswell as the normal intake pipe that sits below..
  10. Great stuff jimbo, that looks really neat and the fish look great too 8)
  11. :lol: Typical Oscars, stomach comes first... I love the way they cram the food in, and sit there with their eyes googling around to make sure nobody is going to try and steal their stash they have crammed in their mouth :lol:
  12. I wouldn't say all get duller, I have seen Red Tigers with the most intense red sides, I have one out in the shed.. and it is wicked in colouration... It is nice to see good Red Tigers around, alot that I have seen come in off and on are very washed out in the redness..
  13. Neat pics 8) The Sajica are wicked... We have about 60 of the young here growing on nicely and the parents want to go again And have about 15 older Sajica juvies out in shed, they are an awesome little fish to keep. Glad to hear the young ones are doing well DavidR
  14. That clip really gave me such a heavy feeling in my chest....
  15. Devastating... the damage that humans are doing
  16. Great stuff, glad to hear all is going well
  17. I like third from left And apparently she has personality plus :lol:
  18. They a real mixture of mum and dad Mince
  19. Very nicely marked Red Tiger bulldogod
  20. Ohhhhhhh to be Sparky Nat right now.... :lol: And to have the temptation of those lizards/geckos Sounds like you are having a great time 8) Sorry can't recommend anywhere tho, shame my Uncle wasn't in the country I could have hit him up about Raro, he went last year and stayed there for rather sometime, he has past travelled the world boat building and painting.
  21. Ouch for both your toe and the filter...
  22. Hmmm I wonder if he has an internal parasite or flukes, that can be symptoms... getting thin, then eventually stop eating even tho they went for the food, and breathing problems. This is what happened to our Gold Saum, they were infected when they came from supplier, same symptoms, treated with Prazy and hell different fish now, breathing improved, not lethargic... started eating and gained weight... would never believe they were the same fish...
  23. What about hardness guys.. what are the bristles tolerating? 8)
  24. I thought this was a joke.... :lol: If it isn't then I majorly neglected in giving our boy a dragon warming
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