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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Probably because Pandas are endangered.... There are many animal/reptile that have been imported into the country over the many years that have been euthanased.... so the case of the fighters is no different.
  2. Awwwwwwwwww like butter wouldn't melt......... :lol: :lol: They are just gorgeous Mince
  3. I am not a fan of the whole beefheart idea... I rather like the idea of shrimp and fish based stuff more so...
  4. Well I personally don't keep bristlenoses in my african tanks but others do and they seem to work out ok... They seem to have adapted to the water parameters it seems, however, what are others keeping their ph at and how hard is their water?
  5. Mine get large pellet food for large cichlids, frozen mix, fresh shrimp diced... bit of live food here and there.. mine aren't fussy.. 8)
  6. :lol: I remember seeing a doco once of an Aro jumping and grabbing a monkey out of a tree
  7. :lol: livingart, careful tho Bud could very well do a Jet Li on that Aro :lol:
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: I love that butt crack shot Bud :lol: :lol:
  9. You shall certainly be getting some Mr Jury :lol:
  10. Great stuff Amazonian.. 8) We have a pair that should pop any day too
  11. Oh I thought your fish had snuffed it henward... Is he righting himself?
  12. Well we got a GG down this way called Floyd, you will remember him snookie He was going to be pan fried if I remember rightly :-? So hubby and I paid freight for him to be shipped down, a fair sized GG too... he quite happily lived at hubbys work.... until he and the Aro had words rather too often so had to look at step 2... then we found out that the National Aquarium was looking for a nice size GG to put in their big display as they lost their old boy, so perfect, we donated him!!!! Floyd lives at the National Aquarium now, so make sure you say hi to him when you drop through If he hadn't have ended up there he would have ended up going in the 1600 litre tank at hubbys work anyway, so either way he was safe for a home 8) Lovely GG's Loopy and SW 8)
  13. Afrikan

    New Filter

    We have had Jebo 810, 815 and 819... and yeah good filter but hmmm not as cranking as others, however, more so than Fluval range (excluding FX5)... We passed on our Jebos as found they were the ones we did most maintenance on.
  14. Afrikan

    New Filter

    :lol: Caryl Not good huh :lol: Ira's suggestion of a Aqua One CF 1200 is excellent. We loved the CF range... good price, nice filters, never had probs at all.
  15. Afrikan

    New Filter

    Yeah I think they do to DavidR, we have owned a few brands (Fluval, Jebo, Aqua One) and Eheim have been right up there with quality and power, the filter cranks non stop, can't believe the water it shifts... Aqua One have been great for us for the lower price, however they are not the lowest price on the canister scale. I have Aquis range on the big 8fter and they are excellent.. however.. if I had extra ping to spend and it wasn't an issue, Eheim would go in my shopping cart before anything else.
  16. Afrikan

    New Filter

    Eheim if you are willing to spend the ping 8) We have Eheim external canister and wicked 8)
  17. Well said northland chic... I agree. My father was one of an old group of wharfies (we call them the golden oldies)...the wharfies that new what real work was many years ago.. The majority of them have all died of cancer.... there are only a handful left if that... The thoughts by cancer specialists are that the ferts and aspestos that they were subjected to for many years is linked to their cancer.. so it seems just another thing that can be linked to ill health.. cigarette smoke isn't the only harmful thing us humans are effected by...
  18. Hmm have you got anything bigger than a breeding net... like a large ice cream container floating in the tank, with airstone and bit of meth... also with breeding nets you have to be careful as the fry could end up getting sucked through the mesh of the breeding net by other tank mates, it is amazing how much fish spot smaller prey inside breeding nets... they can either get sucked through or badly damaged by fish trying to predate...
  19. Gee non fish people would read the above quote and picture a vicious looking fish, with fangs hanging out everywhere :lol:
  20. Oh right Yes well I am all for the law of making sure smoking is done outside.... I would be fair spitting taking my young son to a restaurant and have it filled with smoke... I gave up smoking in the first place to have a family... nice healthy pregnancy... and if I had to go and dine out in a smoke filled restaurant with my son I would be spewing over the idea... so yes glad for ban. I once had our young boy go to a private carer for some play hours as he was getting older and needed to socialise with other kids, this carer was with a very good agency, and my son started coming back with his hair and clothes smelling of smoke, so she was obviously smoking around him for his hair to have been smelling of it.. I saw red over this and pulled him out of her care. I can understand why people take such a negative stance on smoking, however, if smokers choose to smoke and they are outside doing this, then non smokers have an option to exit stage left and not lurk around. I have often seen a non smoker approach a group of smokers outside and then start complaining about the smoke... hmmm it's not all smokers that need to get a brain.. :lol:
  21. Oh they are awesome fish to breed... we had a neat pair about a year ago now, can't look past these fish, the looks and interaction of them is just fantastic I took the eggs pretty much straight away... placed them in a cycled tank, same water temp... airstone and a bit of meth blue... kept the water moving nicely over the eggs... and they hatched as good as gold... give it a whirl, it's neat
  22. I would hope that work places have an outside smoking policy... I don't see why workplaces should allow smokers inside to smoke amongst others.... And I thought there was already a ban on smoking in restaurants etc, so how is this a problem now? 8) If smokers want to bowl on outside for a cigarette outside of a restaurant then so be it, not sure how that is effecting other patrons at the restaurant?
  23. Try and figure out territory areas... if it doesn't work.. then part them....
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