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Everything posted by Zev

  1. heheheheh... Maybe in another thread, don't want to infect this one, Nick Windelov would look good over the logs as well.
  2. So who draws the short straw to clean up after said piggie? We knew some people who would play poker and the loser got to shovel the dog doos off the back lawn!
  3. You can get flake as well, which is easily crushed.
  4. I don't think the fake log detracts from the ugly filter intake, anyway... :roll:
  5. If the leaves aren't brittle and thin and wispy I would not worry about it.
  6. How long a gap? I am talking two inches or more, or for you metric bunnies that would be about 50.8mm...
  7. Heh, Sam, it can be a bit rampant in a tank with the right conditions. Mine goes red at the top in my CPD tank that just has energy saving lamps over it. The stuff Joe got was in mint condition, nothing to worry about, it's when it gets long gaps between the internodes and the leaves get thin and wispy and start breaking apart and floating around the tank that you should be concerned.
  8. Careful, Jennifer... Caryl can seem to sniff out posts when people say things like that...
  9. We all have to start somewhere, Joe, and everyone has something to learn. I should post a pic of my cube and scare Nick with the creepy algae
  10. Awww, come on Barrie, I am sure something could be arranged if that is what Sophia wanted
  11. Zev

    showing Killis

    I have enough spare tanks laying around the house as it is without bringing any more home, thank you very much Barrie. It's heaters that are the problem, but not to worry, will have a guppy clean up soon, that will free up two tanks. Nothing emerged from the plants that were in the scheeli tank, so that one is free as well. I will put Mr Bit in there to keep him away from the others. We are going to have a judging school at the next killie show as well, so if anyone wants to become a Federation judge (and not just for killies, either, but you can specify a preference), they will have to be nominated by their club, accept the nomination and send it to the Exec. There is a form somewhere, I will see if I can dig it up.
  12. The Other Woman - Nina Simone Wow, they are some stunning photos - don't let Nick or Sam see the algae in a natural habitat
  13. Looks like a sieve without a handle to me! Have not seen any around the LPS's here, will have a good look next time I am out and about.
  14. Nice! We have a world champion freediver from where I live. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU1004/S00350.htm The Pretender - Foo Fighters
  15. Correct, Caserole! It is either Gastromyzon scitulus or Gastromyzon ctenocephalus
  16. The temp hangs around the 20deg mark. There are three little-uns now. What you talking about Nick? I picked up four Beaufortia kweichowensis from Organism on Sunday - they had an interesting trip home in a plastic bag, got x-rayed at Christchurch Airport, a brief stop over in Wellington and they sat on my knee on the flight to Napier! Will post pics when I see them again in the tank!
  17. Was not me! Anyway - the cake was very yummy and you guys missed out - and the birthday cake as well.
  18. When you attend a conference - and then it is dependent on how much stirring you do! And I was nowhere near that cake when the vandalism occurred :-?
  19. I am not responsible for the writing on that chocolate cake, either! Or the squishy mark in the middle...
  20. I miss my choccies... Nice pics TT, good luck with the breeding.
  21. Well done CTT, it was a great weekend. It was good to put faces to names, and meet new people from around the country. My only regret is that we could not pack Organism up and bring it home with us!
  22. There are some pics here of small tanks we had in a comp earlier in the year - you may get some ideas from these as well. viewtopic.php?f=55&t=42952
  23. Whereabouts are you situated, FishMarc - if you add this to your location via the User Control Panel someone may be able to point you in the right direction. And welcome to the Fishroom
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