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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Not too many click throughs to get to what you want - there are a few out there where the navigation gets you so frustrated that you just give up. When I click on fish tanks, that is what I want to see - not a list of options - pictures maybe of types, and not just by brand either.
  2. Zev

    Giant fighters!

    Uhoh - watch out, this is sounding like a school holiday learner driver excursion...
  3. What about ph? I had a tub floating in a tank with gourami fry in it that I swapped water out of the main tank with get up to a ph of 8 - the main tank was 6.5 Was feeding BBS that was drained and put into tank water and fed out with a pipette, and do not know the cause of the rise in ph. I had to very slowly get it back down because a large water change would cause a huge swing.
  4. Zev

    Giant fighters!

    Now you've done it - he will want one now!
  5. Found this - the english is, um... well - it makes for an interesting read in some places http://www.zwergkugelfisch.de/Report1.html
  6. Zev

    Lego fish tank!

    I like this... http://www.andrewlipson.com/escher/waterfall.html
  7. Only after you have taken a photo of them for us! I see we have another type of Pieris recently appear in the country that have attracted some attention from MAFBNZ http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/files/pe ... -sheet.pdf
  8. I think you got diddled - it is only 24 x 24 x 24
  9. Zev

    Lego fish tank!

    Hmmm, is that supposed to be Damien Hirst in front of the tank? Where did you steal the image from, Hans?
  10. Maybe they were parasites and ate the original inhabitant?
  11. Looks like the evil White Cabbage Butterfly pupa to me - Pieris rapae, but maybe not green enough.
  12. Do you have a needle valve in the setup, regulators are usually quite coarse and not too good for fine tuning.
  13. Here is my lovely Black Beard Algae crop or BBA in my AR380 It's actually more red than magenta, but the lights muck the colour up a bit with the camera. It is phosphate related and I find I get it in this tank when I feed Tetramin flake, I usually feed Sera but have run out over the last few months.
  14. At least cover them with moss or something!
  15. Since when have those ugly looking terracotta plants been part of an Iwagumi setup? :-?
  16. Yeah - long scissors and tweezers are very handy! You would probably need something like a 4 or 3 count mesh if you are going for the craft shop stuff, I have 7 count and the bits between the gaps are quite dense and would inhibit light - I am using it for a spawning mesh for some egg scatterers. I did not use the suction cups and siliconed the mesh to the back wall of my tank after putting the moss behind it. When the silicon cured it killed off the moss for about a 10mm radius around the blobs, I had put some glad wrap over the whole lot to stop the moss drying out while the silicon cured. It grew back, but something to be aware of.
  17. The hair straightener method appeals to my 'fry the little beggars until they die' mentality rather well... :evil:
  18. And put a plate or piece of plastic over the gravel before you add more water so that the gravel is not displaced - actually, I have used a large plastic bag to cover the gravel which worked quite well, but something solid like a plate is better if you are using the bucket filling method.
  19. I pulled mine out, but I must admit did not pay it the attention it deserved. As with other plant intensive aquascapes, they look good for a short period of time and require regular maintenance to keep them in prime condition, sometimes looking like a complete mess for weeks after trimming until they fill out again, or growing so fast that you get sick of looking after it. And then you forget to change the lamps or water regularly or under/overdose ferts and then the algae sets in... :evil:
  20. Zev


    Just cos you silicon yours in crooked...
  21. Zev

    Long Term Lead

    Probably not with bulldozer fish, then it would make the water cloudy. What sort of plants we talking about, you may be better off with java fern and anubias tied onto driftwood rather than trying to plant things. How deep is your substrate - what about putting plants in little terracotta pots, I have crypts like this in my hillstream setup and in bare bottom tanks.
  22. Zev

    Long Term Lead

    Remember, this is from the guy who had a fish swimming around in his tank with a bucket on it's head... viewtopic.php?f=16&t=46007&start=45
  23. Zev

    Long Term Lead

    I usually just put the stalks under a rock, I usually forget to take the rock out when the roots are established as well :oops:
  24. Zev


    What sort of divider - come on, spill the beans...
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