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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Riddle me this!

    Correct, now you and Douwe can fight over who goes next!
  2. Zev

    Riddle me this!

    I am one with eight to spare lest I lose my one What am I?
  3. Zev

    Riddle me this!

    Ok, back on topic - even though Sam's wagging is a mystery - who else can provide a riddle?
  4. Don't you just hate it when you provide an nice rock for them to lay on, but nooooooo... let's dig a hole in the substrate and lay our eggs there. :evil:
  5. Zev

    Riddle me this!

    It was more a comment on what you don't get taught at school I will add them to the next upgrade. Actually, why aren't you at school?
  6. Zev

    Riddle me this!

    Where is that facepalm smiley Sam! I think one of our members has been dragged off there kicking and screaming over the last week or so - must be suffering from the lack of internet access and having to eat weka and kaimoana off the beach.
  7. Zev

    Riddle me this!

    Well done, Deepsound - you probably know more about Chatham island than some of our users!
  8. This is the man who drove 673km in one day to eat Sticky Date Pudding at our place!
  9. Oh, and I won't eat stuff out of jars in Donna's garage, either...
  10. http://www.ak.planet.gen.nz/~bio/
  11. Have a look here http://danios.info The site does not like Safari as a browser, though.
  12. I don't like capsicums - but I am told that I am just fussy and should just leave them on the side of my plate...
  13. I like this bit... "If you are the only restaurant in town with an `all you can eat' menu, you are going to attract the big eaters."
  14. Zev

    Hi from Auckland

    Hi and welcome to the Fishroom.
  15. Zev

    Riddle me this!

    Hmm, the middle one was a bit hard! Have another go, Deepsound!
  16. Yours don't come with lids?
  17. android game killer, Sam...
  18. Zev

    108L Rimless

    Oh shush you - he won't be back until after half past anyway... :-?
  19. Zev

    108L Rimless

    Go and watch House and leave the damn thing alone!
  20. Don't some marine paints have anti fouling chemicals added, that may be toxic?
  21. I will send you the NZKA mag with an article about them in it, Rob. Make sure it has a lid.
  22. *note to self - don't eat chicken liver paté at Alans, or anything out of a jar from Donna's garage...
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