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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev


    What do you need to weight down?
  2. Zev

    Long Term Lead

    [quote name=livingart]i saw a fish die of lead poisoning it involved a large rainbow trout and a 303
  3. Actually, this bit is the scariest!
  4. Zev

    New 3ft Marine

    I just leave the coraline algae on the back wall, my tank is too narrow to try and scape with the rocks away from all the glass, gives the cleaner shrimp something to hang on to when eating and annoying the fish.
  5. Zev

    Word Association

    taste Thanks for the info - interesting stuff
  6. We have radicans - grow like weeds outside. I like the stream - mind you, the whole setup is pretty stunning, any inhabitants yet?
  7. I have found the male Colisa laila are always agressive and territorial, if they can see another fish, they will chase it. The female always ended up hiding in the bushes in fear of getting chased and rarely ventured out. I ended up planting a wall of Valisneria across one third of the tank where he hung out so that the other fish could swim about in a bit of relative peace out of sight.
  8. I see it as two fish circling around eachother, the bottom one is black and white and spikey looking, viewed top down, the one on the top is sideways with flowing fins and its left eye looking at the viewer. Could be wrong, though!
  9. Zev


  10. Stunning - is that an Epidendrum or Dendrobium I see there?
  11. What about the gutter guard stuff, you should be able to get it from a hardware store.
  12. The little bladders have trapdoors and hair triggers, when they are activated they suck in whatever has the misfortune to fit in the gap - then get digested...
  13. Zev

    Hey Hey!!

    Hi, and welcome!
  14. More of a pain than harmful, just keep picking it out - tweezers are good.
  15. Or this, but not enough branches, though. Utricularia exoleta - has 'bladders' that eat things, which you would notice though.
  16. Hmm, I wonder who he learnt that from - are the females older?
  17. Dodonea viscosa - crispate leaves? The purple variant self seeds like a weed around here.
  18. Methinks some sneetch has been eating too much pumpkin pie?
  19. Nope, now curled up on the sofa with it's nose tucked under it's tail :roll:
  20. Awww... someone looks right out of it! One of our cats is sitting in front of the fire wishing it to spontaneously burst into life! The stupidest part is - the other fire is lit and it has not worked it out yet!
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