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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Caryl has a whip First I've heard of it Hi and welcome back mac.
  2. Spooky! I can get to the link ok to see the vid - but there again, I don't have Facebook! They should be able to carefully peel a lot of it off in sheets - have a bin/piece of newspaper handy to put it on close to the tank so that it doesn't drop everywhere, then treat as the others say.
  3. You want me to buy you some tickets Phoenix? - you had better have a chat to BD to see what they are.
  4. Next conference is hosted by Bay Fish and Reptile.
  5. As long as all the ticket stubs don't have all your name on them, I don't see it being a problem!
  6. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    eh - what you blaming me for now? I sent you the Mr Burns raccoon...
  7. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    Yeah, they are hungry critters, I don't know if they are eyeing up the cat because they think she is going to feed them, or if they want to eat her! Sam, I see Skylla is deliberately avoiding eye contact but is following you with her ears - that way she can ignore you!
  8. Zev

    Looking for fish

    You will have to try Barrie for some annulatus - I have mainly males. The Normani I will have to sort out, but have promised some to someone else - will see what emerges from the next batch of fry. Striatums I can spare.
  9. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    It was a long time ago - there were about 80 odd from one spawn, don't have any now...
  10. Cool! Is that one in the bottom in the middle? Keep us posted...
  11. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    You won't want it at the moment Phoenix - needs breaking down and is full of algae - again... Averages 28deg in the tent with the lights on, cat is living there at the moment now that it is getting colder.
  12. Zev

    End on tanks

    My tanks that run on a central filter system are all end on, they are small tanks though, just under 300mm in length anyway, I can fit three on a shelf rather than just two, they are for breeding/raising fry, and as Ryan says, not for display. I use the Hammerlock shelves, my lowest tank is about 400 from the ground - could put some on the bottom shelf, but it would ruin my back and then where would I put my junk?
  13. Oh yeah - they are not wild mushies without the greeblies!
  14. Zev

    Looking for fish

    Hi AJ I have some young striatum available. Sjoestedti are becoming a rare item in the country at the moment, with only two members currently holding a few each, same with nigripinnis. I will send you our current newsletter that gives further details.
  15. They don't look too skinny to me either, they have a nice rounded head - some you see are either so badly bred or starved that they are almost angular in the head.
  16. Hillstream loach is a generic term for the family Balitoridae of which there are over 30 known genera. More info here: http://www.loaches.com/articles/hillstr ... -fast-lane They do best at temperatures under 22 deg and require a strong current in the tank with high oxygen levels and algae to graze on.
  17. Zev

    Word Association

    (as in flying squirrel - have flaps of skin between front and back legs like wings...) rat
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