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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Caper is one of our most distant affiliated members!
  2. When you upload the images into Photobucket, remember to select the correct image size. If you get an SQL gone away error, hit the back button to get to the page where you created the post, then hit submit again, sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.
  3. Oooooo..... I am trembling in fear.....
  4. Hmmm, Wok must have mine! Nothing here yet, and we usually get ours before Wainui...
  5. Was her cat chipped Barrie?
  6. He must have been panicking, because he sent me last months one and tried to tell me it was February's report...
  7. Zev

    Molly behaviour

    Maybe he is just shy? Hiding behind the log to work up courage - presuming you have some females in the tank? Otherwise maybe he wants his photo taken?
  8. Because, you were obviously so busy writing my NZKA Presidents report (which I have not got yet) that you did not have time to browse these forums...
  9. Dang it is hot - and slightly windy, so that when you step outside it's like standing in a clothes dryer!
  10. Zev

    'Nother Noob

    And so it begins.... Upgrade to a bigger tank - oh look, an empty tank you just took the fish out of, what shall I put in there? Or more commonly, buy a fish on impulse and find it doesn't suit its tankmates, or your water parameters, or the size of your tank, so you have to setup another one...
  11. Sera do one that you put in a container in the aquarium. Which sounds a bit better than just dropping the tablet straight into the tank?
  12. Like this? viewtopic.php?f=41&t=30815
  13. Oooo.... I'm telling on you! Edit that before you get into trouble.
  14. I cannot give an unbiased opinion here Caper, I have only used Fluvals, which I find work well, and therefore cannot comment on the other brands. It is like the argument I had with a tele-research person a while back.. Researcher - 'And on a scale of one to ten, ten being good, how do you rate your telephone provider against other providers out there?' Me - 'I have not used any other provider, so cannot give an informed answer' Pause from researcher - 'um, but on a scale of...... I need to put a number in here' Arrrggghhhhh.....
  15. Add up what you spend a year on smokes, then see what you could have spent that on at the fish shop - or on reptiles....
  16. It's all downhill from here! So does this mean you don't get to sleep anymore?
  17. Your setup is 54 litres if filled to the brim - I would consider it overkill, all you want to do is make sure the water gets oxygenated very well. And if you had sand, it think you would end up with a sandstorm and skinless Hillstream loaches!! Did you check out the link that Purplecatfish posted?
  18. I have a 2ft tank with these fish, it has a UGF down one end with Crypts in pots and large rocks on top, and a 400lph pump with the air line jammed up the bottom of it pointing down the length of the tank,it looks like it has a fine bubble wall across the back of it. The loaches like to sit on the log right in front of the pump and get their whiskers blasted by the bubbles.
  19. I was referring to Barrie and Alan, Nav, but if you want to write an article for the NZKA newsletter, you are most welcome.
  20. Now now, you two, keep it civil - anyway, shouldn't you both be writing me articles instead spending all your time on here slagging off at each other?
  21. Zev

    my reef

    Ummm, don't you mean the dark side? Or is that the black hole that exists where your bank account used to be? Nice setup, plenty of room for growth and lots of expensive corals...
  22. You need to close the quote, put
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