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Everything posted by Zev

  1. This meeting may not be too late in finishing, we only have dinner, then the meeting - about half to three quarters of an hour depending on how the discussion for a remit goes, then the auction.
  2. Depends, sometimes around 9.30pm, if there is an auction, probably later. We are starting earlier this month to have dinner first - and if Wok is sending dessert, we may finish later!
  3. Gee, Wok is going to be a busy boy, isn't he?
  4. Zev

    Killi Fish Show

    It was a while ago, before it said vise. I was referring to vice, as in overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants...
  5. Zev

    Killi Fish Show

    Details here - http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=eventfish
  6. I expect you to make an effort at some stage, Wok. Courier the crepes, we can add the cream when they get here.
  7. Wednesday 18 February The National Aquarium of New Zealand, Marine Parade NAPIER Pot Luck Dinner followed by an Auction Please bring a plate to share with other members. Please note 6.30pm start. All welcome.
  8. Hi Zach and welcome to the forums. We have quite a few people here with ponds whom you can share info with.
  9. Zev

    Killi Fish Show

    Hmmm... Since Barrie has altered his signature, I don't know it he and Jim would be a good mix in a winery?
  10. Have you tried unplugging it and leaving it for ten minutes or so, then plug it back in again. (Sounding like the Sky help desk here!) Is the outlet a double one? If it is, plug it in where the dryer is to make sure it is actually the washing machine and not the outlet, just because they are in the same plate does not mean that power may be getting to both outlets. While it is unplugged try flicking the switch a few times on the wall socket if it has one, sometimes they get stuck, or you could have ants in there stopping the switch making contact. HTH
  11. Now that you mention it, Caper, it looks like it has put in the wrong set of false teeth!
  12. As Caryl says running the club is not a major, and you can make the meetings fairly casual, CTT just have pot luck dinners at some members' homes every month and oogle at the tanks.
  13. Then perhaps you should get a club started and negotiate this with some of the shops? As I understand the Palmerston North club is in recess, so the bulk of the paperwork is probably already done.
  14. If you don't join a club, the Aquarium World will cost you $24.00 per year. IF you join a club: Kapi Mana is $20.00 for a single per year, plus you will get their newsletters. NZKA is a postal club and it will cost you $25.00 for a single membership, plus monthly newsletter (about Killiefish, of course) Aquarium World is free. Also when you join a club you will receive a FNZAS membership card which can be used to get discount at some LFS.
  15. Zev

    Borelli Mixup

    Surely you can just put a sign on the tank indicating what the fish are, but for accounting purposes, tell the staff to enter them as Borelli on the till?
  16. Caryl, I told Jim that if he wanted to use a dictaphone I would type it up for him, he could dictate it whilst driving around in his van. He didn't seem too interested in the idea... Mel, check here for clubs, there is a membership form for the NZKA on their page. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=clubs
  17. Ahh Posties, almost as bad as courier drivers.... *ducks and runs for cover...*
  18. Watch out Barrie, you had better frisk him when he leaves - I hear he is after some different killies than the ones he already has... It looks like I will have to get Wok to write an article on how to get club breedings registered.
  19. Whaat, another job? *rushes off to read NZKA constitution*
  20. Is spreeding a cross between breeding and spreading them around, Barrie? Don't forget to tell the club Breeding Co-ordinator that you have ten or more fry.
  21. I have taken to leaving the parents in a tank with mops and moss for a couple of weeks, then shifting them out to see what hatches. So far I have half a dozen fry, but am down to only a pair of adults.
  22. Perhaps it would be best if you work out what size tank you can afford to setup and maintain, with what gear, - skimmers, sumps, chillers, dosing, lighting and the like, and then work back from there in regard to stocking levels and compatibility of fish, corals and inverts.
  23. Shouldn't that be NOTE? Sorry, Wok, can't make the meeting, either...
  24. Zev


    Have a read here... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=marinearticle01
  25. Probably best if you rinse it in a fine sieve before you feed it as well, Caper.
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