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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Yetch..... The Crock pot is a self contained unit, the element is in the bottom and thermostatically controlled in an insulated shell, it doesn't get that hot as the crock bit is ceramic.
  2. Ewwwww... Pressure cooker... Horrid memories of vegies cooked in the three compartment thingy until they are all grey - no matter what the veggie! Our crock pot has a light brown exterior.
  3. Don't worry, I am watching you two....
  4. Can never recall exactly where the place is, Te Hauke is only a stone's throw away from Te Aute!
  5. It will also melt Val and Riccia, so if you have these in your tank, it may be advisable not to use it.
  6. These guys are loaches, and not catfish. My Gastromyzon are particularly fond of shrimp pellets, they used to be in a community tank and would quite happily eat any flake or granular food that made it to their piece of driftwood before the other fish got to it. They are now in a dedicated fast flowing setup and I only feed them sinking food, as the flake just disappears into the larger rockwork and goes off. They eat algae off the glass and rocks, and it is recommended that you provide this for them as part of a balanced diet. More info here
  7. Is that the house in Te Hauke, Rozski? My husband was driving past that one the other day and said there was a cat sitting in the window, he was going to take a pic, but the traffic was too heavy for him to stop.
  8. Umm... minuscule may be the word, not little...
  9. Dang... you mean I will have to turf more guppies out and split my fry up into separate tanks?
  10. Finally..... I have ten fry!!! The odd one is really aggressive and chases the others around when the food is thrown in. How are you guys going with yours?
  11. There is an auction on Sunday Details here - http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=eventfish
  12. And you will miss the HBAS meeting on the 15th as well! What sort of fish could you be tempted with?
  13. lol - why don't you just strap it all onto one of your tanks and get rid of the heater?
  14. Which week danilada? The NZ Killifish Association show is on the 4th and 5th of April at the National Aquarium of New Zealand, Marine Parade, NAPIER.
  15. Keep up with the play, will you Dixon, I already said that!
  16. "Boy Two" The white is where the skin has rotted off, leaving the bone exposed "Boy two" arrived last month. With plenty of exposed bone...
  17. Girl that arrived today. Cant open her eyes. VERY snappy...
  18. Photos from Donna M Sick-bay the first few days Speedy, you can just see the grey bit in his eye Bath and feed time 'Warm box' with heat pad
  19. I miss Liptons tea, we can't seem to get it here anymore....
  20. When you say Almond Leaves, are you referring to Terminalia catappa, or Indian Almond. As opposed to Prunus dulcis, which is the edible almond and of the same family as peaches and plums? The leaves of Terminalia catappa can grow up to about eight inches long and are quite wide, whereas the Prunus leaves are only about three inches long, same as on a peach tree. Terminalia catappa are used in aquaria overseas to lower Ph and have alleged anti bacterial properties, I do not know if they are grown in New Zealand. George Farmer has used them in his Chocolate Gourami tank in the UK as detailed here - http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... blogid=151
  21. Ahhh... the shameless plug for votes... Is that because it is a killie, or because the photo is yours???
  22. Don't go, it's a trap, I tell you.... You will leave Barrie's place with fish, eggs and tanks that you don't really have room for!
  23. Also, if you are importing a European car, you have to get a certificate from the New Zealand importer for that marque to say that the car conforms to NZ Standards in order to get it certified for use. If the NZ Importer does not want to do this, you cannot get the car on the road. It does not matter if the car make and model is already imported into NZ by a dealer, it is based on chassis number. There is some guy in the country with a Ferrari in a shed that he imported into NZ himself that he cannot get on the road because of this.
  24. We have bought a few in from these guys - http://www.tau-sales.com This was about five years ago and I do not know what the story is now in regard to importing cars, but we had not trouble getting damaged cars in to fix and use for ourselves. Customs wise, if you have a customs number you must get a customs agent to handle the import, MAF clearance and tax paperwork for you. If it the first thing you have imported into the country sometimes Customs will do it for you, but this may not be the case now. Depending on the value of the car, sometimes the freight, customs, MAF and GST will cost you more than what you have paid for the car.
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