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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev


    Hey! What are you doing on a cake? http://elegantcakes.webs.com/apps/photo ... d=50554774
  2. Zev

    3 foot tank

    He's winding you up, Sam. Can you see the fine print?
  3. Feta was the name of the goat at my children's school, she had a kid that they named Rocky (Roquefort). Unfortunately they died when someone fed them agapantha bulbs I think it was.
  4. Well I hope some of you have got some decent underwater cameras, or camera housings - we would be interested to see what you guys get up to!
  5. Man, you are going to be popular with the missus... As David R said, what does it filter? Warren used to use three or four stage RODI for all water changes on his large planted tank, mainly because there are phosphates in the tap water. I use it for my marine tank for the same reason.
  6. Zev


    Your penchant for alcohol is showing, Ira...
  7. Zev

    3 foot tank

    Oooo, pretty... shiny.....
  8. Zev

    3 foot tank

    Only if they are Co2 proof, most aren't. The good ones are stainless.
  9. We see quite a few on the roads, especially of late - any particular feathers you want Sandy? I am not adverse to plucking them off and sending them to you if I come across one that has not been on the road for too long.
  10. Lol I don't think the poor birdie made it, either!
  11. My cousin lost the wing mirror off his van when a pukeko flew into it, he turned up at our place with it dangling by the cords - we had duct tape it back into place until he could get a replacement!
  12. Synchiropus picturatus - Spotted Mandarin Dragonet
  13. Especially if you yank it out by the cord!!! :evil:
  14. Dang, sorry to hear that Southerrrngirrl.
  15. Looks like it wasn't going to give it up easily, either!
  16. You will possibly need manifold splitter with a needle valve on each, the plastic gang valve may deteriorate over time, as Co2 is rather corrosive to some plastics, and as you have found, the pressure of one is dependent on the other. I do not know if you can get these in NZ.
  17. Ummm.... the next fish I am looking at purchasing is $130.00
  18. You have to be a member of an affiliated club. Details are here - http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=breedingscheme
  19. Hi Matt' n Coby, and welcome.
  20. Zev


    Chocolate - no cream or bananas in the middle, either!
  21. Don't get stingy with the amount of wool you use, either, or the length. Scrawny mops are not much use for killies - if that is what you are using them for, they can be used for goldfish as well.
  22. If you want it to float and the ends dangling down towards the bottom of the tank, tie a cork or bit of polystyrene to the top.
  23. Not bad for something that was probably a sport off a normal old java fern!
  24. Stars? What stars? I don't have any?
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