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Everything posted by Zev

  1. What about the fake silk/plastic one? I know the bulbs of the daffodils are extremely poisonous, causing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The toxins are lycorine and galantamine alkaloids and glycoside scillitoxin. Our idiot Mutt would eat the bulbs occasionally, but never seemed to get sick from them, but there again, he would eat a lawn full of sour plums and not get the trots, either!
  2. And where is our picture of Rusty and his daffodil?
  3. Since you already have a tank running, if you get a canister filter, run it in your exiting tank for a few weeks to seed the bio media, or if you already have a cannister, swap some of the media into the new one when you run it, this way you will cut back on the cycling requirement for the new tank. If you cannot do this, do not put all of your existing fish in the new tank all at once, as Whetu says, start it slowly.
  4. I can handle worms or fish in the cake or icing, as long as it doesn't have instant coffee in it, as you well know, Wok...
  5. Well, that rules that out then, it's a Kia. And it's not black, either.
  6. Ooohhh.. so Simian is a Transporter, now, eh? 8)
  7. That would depend on how many articles he writes, LA, the more he writes, the more chances he has! Joefish! wrote two or three last year...
  8. I don't have my yearbook yet , so I can't tell, have to wait until Saturday...
  9. I think a junior is classed as still at secondary school. There was only one junior member who has submitted articles for the past year, and that is joefish! We have three active junior members in our club, I will stir them up to make some competition for you! The Simtronics cup is a nice looking trophy to have on the mantelpiece, don't let Caryl hear that you won't write an article if you have too much competition, you may get into trouble!
  10. Hi Jarren, I have some WCMM's that I will be picking up on Saturday, I will give you a ring when we get back to arrange pick up/drop off.
  11. I think Alan is referring to dragging your husband around with you when you go shopping
  12. That is only providing the worms and the cake do not turn up in the same container...
  13. Oh no he won't! *rushes off to pack new pointy stick in handbag*
  14. You use meat trays to make your backgrounds, Dixon?
  15. It always has to be food with you, doesn't it Wok? Madeira is an island off the coast of Portugal, and foodwise he traditional cake of Madeira is called "Bolo de mel", which translates as "Honey Cake" from the sugarcane honey molasses that is grown there.
  16. No problems Is this the triangle tank?
  17. Don't know if I trust the translation sites, might get the poor guy in trouble!
  18. We have a work colleague shifting to Madeira shortly, and we are going to make him up a phrase book, but we need a few obscure phrases that you don't normally find in a phrase book (don't worry, nothing dodgy, honest)
  19. Hi Cheekycactus Welcome to the forums. I have moved your post to the Beginners forum, hopefully you will get lots of help with your questions here.
  20. I did, and you sent me a Weetbix recipie!
  21. Any of you got a few microworms that you could bring with you? Mine have turned into a green/blue mouldy mess And no, I do not want them baked into the chocolate cake, either, thank you very much, or in the icing, for that matter, either!
  22. Eh, what's this about moose - Wok said he was bringing chocolate cake!
  23. As long as he is not rolling them when he is trying to drive, you should be fine, Simian!
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