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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have never been game but I know a few people who have (and some still do have) the tanks sitting on the steel frame with just strips of poly over the metal. One still going has the tanks then glued to the stands with RTV and the tanks have been through a few pretty reasonable (hi 4s) shakes and has only lost water and some fish. I built mine when Christchurch was not prone to shakes--yea right.
  2. I assume that would be the same material used for stand alone freezers.
  3. Is that why it is called hen and chicken?
  4. The requirements for a butchers shop, wet fish shop. mortuary and quarantine facility are much the same. The first two are probably the easiest to check out so go check out your locals, get some ideas then talk to the powers that be. Good luck.
  5. This is to be a quarantine facility. You will need to apply to the local Council for a building consent and the building consent will need to be the same as the plans approved by MPI. The walls, ceilings and floor will need to be capable of being cleaned without damage to the surface. This is not a shed out the back of the house with fish in it. When I built mine it had a 150 mm concrete floor with heaps of steel in it to take the weight of 4 tiers of tanks and 100mm of polystyrene under the slab, The walls and ceiling were lined with coloursteel sheets with the joints sealed with RTV and batts and sisalation for insulation. If you use sisalation it needs to go on the warmest side to avoid condensation. You will probably have to construct an ante room and construct the floor to retain a good percentage of the water content if there is a major accident. There is no point in getting a building consent that does not match up with the requirements of MPI or you are just making problems for yourself. You need to consult with The local Authority (and Regional Authority) as well as MPI so you can find out the actual requirements. We can offer suggestions but are not the approval authorities. Agree with post above.
  6. Flooring sheets have a wax coating to protect from rain until the roof goes on. They are not waterproof. Getting a steel stand built accurately by someone who knows what they are doing is the way to go.
  7. I don't think you would get away with exposed batts, it needs to be lined to keep it clean. You may not get away with polystyrene on the walls without lining. Insulation is the way to save money.
  8. They are used in hydroponics--switched on gardener etc. You may get some really cheap at the next police auction.
  9. My point was that the whole operation---petrol motors and the chemicals used were not the best thing to be up to in a location with restricted ventilation. Being stoned may have helped them to overlook these facts.
  10. "We all know that the legalise party are a bunch of ...they're just not that smart." I don't suppose that would have anything to do with mary Jane.
  11. An ante room is a seperate room that you enter to change into your protective clothing and store your street clothing, wash you hands etc, before entering the main quarantine area. Would have to be added to the outside or inside of the building used for quarantine.
  12. I assume they were making P and the chemicals they use are as dangerous as carbon monoxide. How well our brains work when we are stoned.
  13. You will need to talk to the Local Council about the zoning or wether you will need a resource consent for land use and also any conditions for discharging effluent to the sewerage system.Things may have changed, but it was required that you needed an ante room prior to entering the facility.
  14. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  15. It still begs the question. What is good for the country to encourage half the population to be stoned either legally or illegally? Is life so bad that we all should get stoned?
  16. alanmin4304

    Hi everyone

    Welcome and enjoy your time here. Good luck with the importing.
  17. Gloves. The drugs used to treat TB in humans are not popular with the patients I understand, and hence there is often quite a problem getting patients to continue with the meds.To pick it up from fish is usually through cuts or abrasians
  18. There are very few vets in NZ that are good on reptiles. This lady is still learning but does the reptiles at willow bank wildlife reserve. I have dealt with here before and she seems keen so tried again---best I could find. Best would be to ring around the vets and they may know a local vet in to reptiles. This will cost $78 but even then may not have a definitive answer.
  19. I have been told the cure is worse than the disease.
  20. I had one with similar signs that died a week ago. I have sent to vet for autopsy and nothing obvious was found. Still waiting on tissue tests--should get this week.
  21. Wasting disease can also be a sign of Piscene TB so be careful.
  22. You have to sit an IQ test to get into parliament---and get less than 30 On a more serious note: I have been involved in a previous life counting votes for Local Body elections. I didn't get invited again after I put a sticky on the voting box at the council office saying "don't vote, it only encourages them" My research indicates that people look at the voting paper and only know a couple of names and tick them. For the other names they go to the top and tick them as they are in alphabetical order. If you want to get on the local council change your name from Zadapeck to Aabbot and you are in ---avoids the IQ test.
  23. I was in Central Otago as a kid and remember the nursery spider nests all over the place walking home from school.
  24. The mention of John Key and herbs stimulates a warning. Stay away from the cups of tea or you may develop your own mythology about how we got here and then feel the need to start schools to teach your kids that it is the absolute truth.
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