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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. In many countries it is (in public). I think it is here as well but does not seem to be enforced.
  2. I thought you wanted to slap a motor on a shopping cart pinched from the supermarket.
  3. Have a look with a torch at night when the lights are out. It is the easiest way to spot velvet. This may be the cause and looks like the fish has been sprinkled with very fine pepper.
  4. Are our lives so pathetic that we have to put our brains out of it to survive? Why not make our lives a bit less pathetic and enjoy it straight.
  5. If alcohol was unknown and some genius tried to market it for the first time today it would be a class A drug--prescription only. Mary Jane is not harmless and people driving cars or working in dangerous occupations under the influence of any mind bending drugs are potential killers. I love how people have decided that a glass of red wine is good for your health--what happened to eating red grapes.
  6. If it is perspex and not something else there is a perspex glue you could buy from a plastic supplier. It is perspex dissolved in ether so you may have to sign for it. Don't forget that ether was an old an old time anesthetic so use in a well ventilated place and perspex is explosively inflamable (hence it is not used as much as it used to be). If it is another plastic you will need to get the right glue.
  7. I have a friend in Invercargil who always votes for prohibition as he thinks it will encourage cottage industry.
  8. I have friends and sympathy for deaf people but I am a bit prejudiced about brail on roadsigns so blind people can drive easier.
  9. When I have bought plastics the plastic suppliers cut it with a bench saw---must have a special blade.
  10. I got hit on the head with a torch by an usherette in the picture theatre for not standing up for God save the queen---not in to royalty from an early age as well. I was threatened with 7 years in Ardmore military prison (as it was then) for refusing to sign alegience to the royal family during my wee stint at CMT.
  11. I accept all that. What I am saying is what right do you have to be proud or ashamed if you had nothing to do with it. I am not in to uniforms, flags or anthems. Why not be proud or ashamed of things you had something to do with.
  12. Beware of a government that encourages you to salute the flag and sing the national anthem---they are probably thinking of sending your kids to war. The only reason we are kiwis (some of us) is that this is where our mother was when she gave birth. If she had been in Sri Lanka we would be Sri Lankans. The only reason we are pakeha, maori, chinese or whatever is the genes of our parents. It all had nothing to do with us so what is there to be proud or ashamed of. It is a bit like saying " I am so very proud of having browm eyes." And to get back off the subject---if you want bad roads come to Christchurch, and we have already sent the invoice to Auckland cos thats where the money is.
  13. I think what you are all forgetting is that the money is being spent on more and more bigger annd bigger roads at a bigger and bigger budget so that more and more people can drive cars with only the driver in them. What the place needs is a better public transport system so people don't need to drive cars in the city. This is what sensible cities have done overseas and it works.
  14. Cardinals are more sensitive to water conditions when breeding. Neons will breed in Christchuch tap water if you have a pair and you feed them well. The first eggs are often calcified and no good and they can be bred frequently after that. They do best as "teenagers" rather than old and trying to fill them up with eggs before spawning. They are easy to sex as the distending of the belly in the females distorts the colour lines also.They can be sensitive to velvet when spawning and many people add a drop of acriflavine--too much can cause temporary sterility.The eggs and fry are sensitive to light but less so than cardinals.
  15. When I was in Wellington in 1971 the sewage discharged to the sea at Pencarrow. It would be hard for a freshwater fish to end up in a river from there. The point I was trying to make was that if a live unwanted fish was put in the trash it would be treated in the same way as all the thousands of tonnes of fish caught for human consumption in NZ which are just removed from the water and allowed to die. It is OK to "play" a game fish for hours on a hook and line but if you did it with a bird you could be prosocuted. Most sewerage systems have an overflow to rivers or the sea in cases of emergency such as during the disruptions to the system here during the recent quakes. There were signs all along the rivers warning of sewage contamination and to avoid contact with the water. Fishing was banned also.
  16. Do you imagine that the fish that you buy to eat has been humanely euthanised or just left to die out of the water? Does a fish need to be christened and given a christian (or muslim) burial, depending on what part of the world they are from? My dead fish end up in the rubish or on the compost heap.
  17. It is black beard algae from Ireland---same place that the red blue green algae comes from that is not an algae at all.
  18. What got you---the door or the possum?
  19. I use aquabasis with greywake sand.
  20. Whatever works for you. I only used infusoria for fish that are too small for brine shrimp or microworm (and that is real small if you use the smallest brineshrimp and baby microworms)
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