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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. That would be great. Good to see you back.
  2. Some people in the killi club use about a teaspoon of salt to the gallon to prevent velvet on Nothobranchius sp. They are terrors for gettin velvet but peat works just as well. I don't use salt.
  3. My sister has spent most of her life in Western Samoa were they also regard the sea turtles and eggs as food. They have been trying to get the message about not eating but protecting across and seem to have had a measure of success. They have been hammering the message into the kids at school and they go home and put a flea in mum and dads ear. She said things have improved a lot. The churches have a big influence there as well and they have been doing their thing as well. Henwood, I respect the fact that you are Chinese when giving your opinion on superstition. My best man was Chinese and we spent a lot of time together from the time we were kids. They do have superstiions in relation to food and medicine and frequently eat their medicines at the dinner table. My friend's family used to import many of these medicines for the asian community. You should however be careful in thinking that the Asians are a superstitios lot and the rest of us are not. When I hear John Banks saying that the world was created in 6 days is 6000 years old and Noa rescued all the world's animals in a big boat I think you need to leave a bit of room for the superstitions of the so called civilized world. And that is only one of the "civilized" religions.
  4. I guess that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
  5. I found it easiest to raise them in a bare tank and with really green rainwater with lots of algae for them to graze on. Brine shrimp nuplii, microworms and crushed up goldfish flake. Green and golds usually won't breed unless the water is at least 20 deg C. I had mine at 26. The others don't like as much heat, particularly the whistlers.
  6. Flourish excel has algacidal properties but they cannot advertise as such due to their laws.
  7. Try asking them what a plant is. The last time I did that the answer was "$3"
  8. They will spawn in a water volume like that but you will need a bigger setup to raise the taddies. I wouldn't move them until they have emerged and developed a bit.
  9. The axies are pretty good at eating each other when they are young so they must taste OK.
  10. I suspect they are from when the tank was built. I have never seen bubbles arrive later even on realy old tanks left outside---the fillet may delaminate and start coming away but I don't recall seeing bubbles.
  11. That is why you need very small bubbles---because it is not easy to get the CO2 into the water. Water has a greater affinity for O2 than CO2 and that is why you can drive the CO2 out of water with aeration ( can be used to treat potable water supplies with CO2 problems)
  12. The air bubbles increase the surface area. Just be careful in a power outage.
  13. Redwoods and proud paws also have trademe acounts
  14. Most importers will take the cost of the fish, freight, fees and testing regime then add 100% and the retailers do the same so your $1 fish in Singapore goes up in price pretty quickly. We are however dealing with perishable goods and a now potentially expensive testing regime for diseases so I can't see the price of fish coming down but more likely going up. Equipment is another issue. I think most pet shops survive on food and equipment for cats and dogs---a lot of which I would suspect is made locally.
  15. I went to inline after that as well.
  16. Probably the market is too small and people here get paid a sort of minimum wage (sometimes)
  17. I have broken one of them in the same place---trying to pull the tubing off. Cut it now.
  18. I think in time marketing will change. When I was a kid you had the butcher up the street and the corner dairy, the milk was delivered and everyone got the paper thrown over the fence. Now it is supermarkets, shopping malls, trademe and buying overseas on the internet. Given a bit of time shopping will not be the way it is today. There are shops that import themselves and there are shops that sell on trademe at a lesser rate than in the shop. We cannot hold the tide back. Our market is so small that it will not be the same as the US but it will change.
  19. Red and yellow go pretty well as the red makes the yellow more of a gold.
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