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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Bring a pair of moose when you come as ours seem to have died out.
  2. Check with MPI. I used HTH which is high test hypochlorite which releases 80% chlorine and can be bought in tablets or powder.It is a very strong oxidizing agent and needs to be stored safely but you would only need a small amount. You put the water that comes with the fish in to a barrel and add a tablet and it gives way over 50ppm Cl2. Water from water changes went to a soak pit but the rules may be different in your case. There is a problem with drainage to the ground called salination where high sodium destroys the ability of the soil to soak up water. You would have to look at the type of soil you have at your place and if it is expansive clays or similar land drainage is not really an option. You would then need to find out what requirements the drainage authorities and MPI would want to discharge to the sewerage system.You have plenty of homework to do yet.
  3. You need to make a formal application to mpi and state exactly what you propose to do to comply with the regs and they have to say yes, or no because. When they are happy you apply for a building consent from the council and a resource consent if required. I did not need a reasource consent because when I applied for the building permit (in those days) I stated that it was for the quarantine and breeding of fish and some idiot crossed that out and put fish house. When I pointed out that it was a legal document and they could not alter it (only approve or not approve) they concluded that since it had been approved it must have been on the basis of a home occupation. You may be able to avoid a resource consent if that provision is in the district plan. If you state what you intend with drainage and plumbing that will become part of the consent. My guess is that the present siting will not comply.
  4. You would need lot of prefiltration. I used HTH cheap as chips.
  5. If it is such a good deal why are they on the market?
  6. UV is one option for treatment but there are cheaper options are there not?
  7. Wasn't fat---was about average I guess. Vet thought it was small but I think overfeeding is something to watch for as there can't be a lot of life in the Ausie desert (plenty of flies I suppose)
  8. I never like losing them but it is better to find out if there was something you could have done better. Seems not in this case.
  9. Vet rang this afternoon. I seems the beardie was producing eggs but they missed the fallopian tubes and ended up in the abdomen where they eventially got infected and the bugs were the problem. Finally ended up causing a blockage to the heart. Still have some info to come on wether a virus could have reduced the imune system but it looks like nothing we could have done about it. She said since she did not lay eggs last season the problem may have gone right back to then.
  10. Presently has leps in the top and a pair of inland beardies in the bottom
  11. It might be a bit of a struggle getting a hot water supply, sink, wash hand basin and locker for clothing into a 1 square metre ante room. Once again, I suggest you go to the people making the decisions and get their actual requirments before you go any further.
  12. Down here the water that comes with the fish has to be treated for 48 hours with 50ppm chlorine---that is have 50ppm at the end of 48 hours. You may be alright discharging the rest to the sewer. If they will accept UV they are nuts.
  13. I don't think they have wash hand basins or storage of potable water. There is also a clause which allows the local authority to exempt other things if they so wish. For instance they do not require a building consent for up to 6 metres of ring foundation to be replaced because of earthquake damage. In our case the foundation footing and pile footings have been increased from those in NZS 3604 and we needed a consent. Still haven't heard when they are going to do the repairs though. I understand there are 10000 founds to fix and they have done 2000.
  14. I can see some potential problems but I would rather see you go to the people that will in the end give the approvals so you can see exactly what is required. There is no such thing as a temporary building.
  15. I would suggest that you go to MPI, your local council and drainage authority and tell them exactly what you have done and what you intend to do before you go any further then find out that you have done it wrong.
  16. There is a provision in the building act (third schedule) that exempts buildings up to 10 sq metres and one story high, if sighted at least the distance from the boundary that it is high, from needing a building consent. This is to allow for a garden shed to house a lawnmower and garden tools. The exemption has "provideds" that go with it and you will probably find that the use you are providing will do away with the exemptions because of the facilities you will require. You will require a letter from the local and regional councils before mpi will approve. The requirement that may be a problem is this part in the exemptions (iv) Does not exceed either 1 storey, or 10 square metres in floor area, and does not contain sleeping accommodation or sanitary facilities or facilities for the storage of potable water: You will need a sink and wash hand basin plus plumbing and drainage which will also require a building consent. You may also require a consent for change of use and you may require a resurce consent if quarantine is not allowed in the zone you are in.
  17. Your negative comments sure will help to get the job done.
  18. I have seen places built with a floor slab poured and including a 150mm plynth concavely rounded off and the panels sit on the plynth and are therefore off the floor. Vinyl can then be carried up the walls to the base of the panels and sealed. The whole place can be cleaned out with a hose if you work the plumbing to get the containment required.
  19. The ration packs during the 2nd world war always contained ciggies to calm the nerves. Stopping people shooting at you would probably have been even better.
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