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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. alanmin4304

    Koi Guppy

    I wouldn't bother doing it--can't see the point either.
  2. alanmin4304

    Koi Guppy

    To bring out any disease that was asymptomatic
  3. alanmin4304

    Koi Guppy

    There is a reason why guppies are included on the list of fish which will require more stringent quarantine. They can carry a number of diseases. These diseases may have a long incubation period or be carried asymptomatically. When a fish is stressed these disease may well present as the fish will have a weakened immune system. I bought some guppies from a breeder that I have a lot of respect for and he diliberately stressed the fish and treated them before sending them. I wouldn't do that myself but everyone to their own.
  4. alanmin4304

    Koi Guppy

    The way many breeders and exporters in Asia (where most of our imports are from) can obtain and use antibiotics and other meds would likely make them less worried about a predisposition to disease.
  5. Being a lefty can be handy with martial arts. I remember many years ago there was a guy who had practiced and practiced doing a judo shoulder throw on a person trying to punch him in the face. A black belt from out of town came visiting and he invited him to punch him in the face (don't hold back he said) The guy was a lefty and layed him flat.
  6. It has never worried me since I learned the purpose of the mis wired being here.
  7. That growing wings thing is a dream created by righties. As usual when a righty and lefty sit next to each other and clash elbows its always the fault of the lefty. They forget that if the table was full of lefties there would be no more problems than if full of righties. It takes a left and a right elbow to have a clash.
  8. Get up at 3.30-4am and go to a popular place and get them as they are emerging and before they climb the tree. A torch comes in handy.
  9. I am a bit paranoid about crickets because they bite. I only feed them one at a time,watch them get eaten and remove any that are not. locusts are good because they just hang around till they get eaten. Wax moth larvae are ok now and again but you don't want them wandering about your house. Cicadas are good at the moment---got 70 yesterday--they would be a bit big for yours yet.
  10. They sold it but the people that bought it ended up closing.
  11. They go top to bottom and right to left so it makes them wired correctly and clever.
  12. The male bobs and the female does a smaller bob back. If ignored the male sometimes shows who is boss.
  13. They are strain so can't help themselves. Worry when it starts drinking beer and throwing the cans out the window.
  14. The shop has gone but Gordon and son are still about.
  15. I buy sand from a gardening store, put it through a large kitchen seive and place the fine stuff in the tank, wash the larger stuff and use that on top to hold the rest down. I start with aquabases to help feed the plants.
  16. I breed grindals in peat with a little ground up eggshell to stop it getting too acid so I assume that would be OK as well.
  17. It is a lizard thing---I have seen beardies and leps both do it as well. Since they are generally solitary and only come together to mate or fight over mates or territory I have always thought it was a diminance thing (over a mate or territory).
  18. I have always used spent potting mix from the nursary.
  19. Welcome. There are a number of reptile nuts on the site and I am sure they would love to help.
  20. My mother was a leftie and her and I had special places at the table to avoid the righties. I learned to use chopsticks with my right hand because I was told it was very rude to use the left. When shooting off the back of a ute I was always on the right corner. Chainsaws are very dangerous used left handed because if they throw back the chain lands on your head. Had heaps of blisters from scissors.
  21. I am left handed and footed but right eyed. Fire a shot gun left handed with both eyes open. Bat right handed. Eat with a knife and fork left handed and chopsticks right handed.
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