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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Once they start they will lay eggs every 10 to 14 days if fed well. They used to do that for me on blackworms
  2. I think all varieties of both are allowed but I doubt that all are here. There are only a couple of swords not allowed as well.
  3. Many cities are on bore water (including Christchurch) It can vary from very soft to very hard and have very few or very many dissolved minerals. You need to know what you are dealing with before any advice would be useful.
  4. That high will be a challenge because the light will have a problem getting to the bottom.
  5. My point was that you can import if you are silly enough. I think you have to have a Q facility separate to fish as well. There is no point if you can only import plants that are already here.
  6. I think you can import plants that are approved but no one finds it worthwhile. Why would you import plants and go through all the drama if you can only import the plants that are already here.
  7. It is a business if you say it is a business and file a tax return, even if you make a loss every year.
  8. pH would be worth testing as well. Acid water often contains iron or manganese or both. Iron mates the water brown and tastes foul, and manganese makes your whites come out grey in the laundry.
  9. With swords you just bury the roots and leave the crown and leaves out.
  10. When you put it back together make sure the joints are correct. Don't use ptfe tape on the joint to the cylinder as it may prevent the washer from making proper contact.
  11. Whenever you fill it up or reset it up you test for leaks around the joints by making a diluted dishwash solution and painting this on to all the joints and this will show you if there are any leaks. Some joints are a pad against a flat surface (connection to cylinder) and others will be ptfe taped. There is a special tape for CO2.
  12. Also very water soluble so would go away with the first rinse.
  13. Guppies are a high risk fish to import and that is why most importers keep bringing fish in from exporters they know and are familiar with. They usually have freight deals for bulk imports so you would be looking at it being pretty expensive. I have not been involved for a long time so am not aware of present costs.
  14. Someone imported fancy guppies a few years back and sold hardly any so he crossed them all up and sold them cheap.
  15. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  16. They aint gunna tell ya.
  17. look out for small bulblettes on the side of the main bulb.
  18. Genetically they look a bit screwed up. The silver looks OK but the gold has a single marble gene which could produce some weird looking offspring.
  19. What are the dimensions of the tank and what ventilation does it have?
  20. The best way would be to put as much water from this tank in to the tank you propose to keep them in. Do not feed them until they are free swimming and egg yolk is good but very easy to overfeed and pollute the water. microworm would be OK or freeze dried brine shrimp nuplii. You only need a small tank at this stage and bare is best. An airstone will help stir up the uneaten food that sinks to the bottom. Live brineshrimp nuplii I have found to be the best because it is moving and will rise up off the bottom of the tank. A sponge filter will be best for a while. I would try to leave them until they are free swimming.
  21. Most importers would consider their exporters to be commercially sensitive.
  22. 3 T8s will be enough and if they are too much you can cut down on the time they are running. or switch either one or two off.
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