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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Cinnamon is normal/silver cross hence the difference in the chicks. I used to breed hundreds of them but have forgotten the genetics already.
  2. I had a purpose built fish house at my previous place and when I sold the property you should have seen the looks and whispers when people spied it.
  3. There is no point in treating fish unless you know what the problem is. Once you know you should treat with the smallest amount of the least toxic treatment that will do the job. If you are dealing with an infection then you should treat the tank as the fish are likely to become re infected if you put them back after treating in a separate tank.
  4. I take it out and throw it away as soon as I get a filter.
  5. It would depend a lot on which pest animals and plants. I can think of a plant the cops might object to and some animals mpi could get excited about.
  6. The head of water is the height of water above the bubbler
  7. Is the problem that the ones that don't work have a greater head of water to operate against?
  8. The thickness calculator is based on euro bracing or a steel frame and I would not go with 10mm even at 600 high at that length.
  9. The angels will eventually eat all the small fish like neons and if they are a pair and get frisky all hell will let loose.
  10. In a previous life I used to have 8 pairs of angels breeding and each pair in a 600 x 300 x 300 tank. Angels spawn near the water surface so 300 is OK but taller is better. If you want a few you really need a very big tank as they are very agro as they pair off.
  11. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  12. Only 10% of heat is lost through the floor as heat rises. I would go bare concrete floor and avoid the problems of spilt water on carpet.
  13. I just kept the concrete bare but had over 150mm of poly under the concrete and heaps of steel in it.
  14. Please put your location on your profile and it will help people help you.
  15. Looks like wounds---what other fish do you have in there?
  16. It is to check if some idiots have voted more than once at other polling booths.
  17. If they do anything it is likely to be the same as bluies in Auckland---no breeding selling or advertising but can keep.
  18. Most fish are pretty good at sucking fry out of those nets. If you are serious you will need dedicated tanks for your fry.
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