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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have large and small ones in separate exo terra enclosures. You need to make sure the areas where the wires go through are closed off. I feed wingless fruitflies and grindal worms to the morphed babies, brine shrimp nuplii and microworm to the unmorphed babies and frozen bloodworms, blackworms and wingless fruitflies to the adults.
  2. The best way to spawn tetras is over fine netting without light as most tetra eggs and/or fry don't do well in light.
  3. Agree with above. It needs more length and perhaps less height. Depending on the fittings you use the height is important as there are maximum distances the UV should be from the lizard when basking.
  4. My suggestion was not as silly as it may sound. If you buy from the chemist you will probably end up paying a fortune for analytical grade and if you buy elsewhere it will probably contain other cleaning agents---try that for torture. I have a problem with the fishless method of cycling tanks as no one knows how many dead shrimps or mls of ammonia are equivalent to the fish you are going to add. I have kept fish for over 30 years and used to breed 50000 tropical fish a year and have only ever cycled with fish. If you develop some patience and add fish slowly you are not torturing anything but your own patience.
  5. Why worry---fish produce it for free.
  6. There are lots of things in people's private collections. The question is wether that is legal or not.
  7. Good luck with getting a shingleback and good luck with keeping it legally since they are not on the list of approved reptiles not needing a permit.
  8. I have no idea. I have bred and reared many varieties of killies but found they do best on live food. so that is all I ever fed them.
  9. Yes but grindal worms would be better.
  10. I have always removed the eggs and hatched them separately then fed them on brine shrimp nuplii.
  11. If she is gravid and ready to lay she will look like a bag of marbles on legs. If not she may have decided brumation is a good idea and has decided to not eat so that she does not end up with a guts full of food that will rot.
  12. Rodney would have the most varieties at the moment. I think all killies are on the approved list as fish (cannot import eggs),some have been imported recently but there has been a lot of losses so I guess they will not be so keen in future. You can control velvet in nothos with peat or salt but I know Redwood Aquatics have not had much luck with importing them.
  13. Piscene TB should be picked up while imported fish are in quarantine. It is not common but does pop up from time to time.
  14. If you used gib you would need to use aqualine. I would try to get something more resistant to moisture. I lined mine with offcuts of colour steel sheets with the joints sealed with RTV and painted with maf approved mould resistant paint. Remove the oil coating before painting.
  15. It could be a gravid female---they usually fill with eggs mainly on one side
  16. Probably. Being inside the ambient will be higher than outside and I have seen it grown using only light through a window. Your chance to be a scientist and do a useful experiment.
  17. No ferts are much use without the CO2 and light to go with it unless you only use very small amounts.
  18. Welcome and I hope you find what you are looking for.
  19. You can get away with a lot of things in a pond because there is enough distance for them to have their own space and get away if being hassled. In a tank they are on top of each other and things are likely to get a bit agro. Both species also have different requirements.
  20. Plus there is not a big market for angels
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