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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Might be useful if anyone was silly enough to be importing plants.
  2. I had a visit from MPI after buying a plant on trademe from Mr Tan. Took them nearly a year to turn up and I had managed to kill the plant off by then so had a good look around and a coffee before departing. I had a lot of plants growing emersed in a small glasshouse I had built and they were interested in what they were and took lots of photos. I have never heard from them again. I know someone who bought Whites tree frogs from trademe and lost them as well as a pair of green iggies to a visit from MPI.
  3. You can buy conversion plugs to convert Englsh plugs to NZ and they are no expensive, or you can change the plug to a NZ one. Don't buy American ones as it is not only the plug that is wrong but the voltage.
  4. What temperature is the water and what temperature is the basking area? How far is the uv light from the basking area and what are you using to heat the basking area?
  5. alanmin4304


    Welcome and I hope your project goes well for you.
  6. Looks like columnaris ( aka saddle back)
  7. If you have hot and cold water coming out of one outlet you can blend both taps to get the temperature you want.
  8. The marbles haven't all rolled under bed then. Got most right other than the temperature a bit low. His cysts are very good quality and very small nuplii ---good for small fry. They are more difficult to get a good hatch with but worth it if you can get them ,or similar from USA.
  9. Welcome and good luck with the project.
  10. I have seen coir (which is similar if not the same) or peat mixed with soil in turtle enclosures. An advantage would be that it holds moisture so helps maintain a damp environment for those that like it that way. Vermiculite will do the same thing, but I use sphagnum moss in nest boxes as it is less messy.
  11. Any discus will breed with any other discus if they desire to but best to be selective about which type you breed with which to avoid creating rubbish like we see so much of with angels and goldfish.
  12. I used to makeup a 3 litre jar of salt water on the basis of what I was told by the "artemia man" at a conference (collects the artemia cysts from lake grassmere) and it has been a while but I think it was 24 grams of salt/litre at 24 degrees C.
  13. I find an exo terra 450x450x60 high ideal for adults and the height allows for a bulb for light to grow plants. The true Cardamine lyrata (often sold as hydrocotyle leucacephala).grows well and is ideal for breeding as they lay their eggs on the leaves and fold them over---just remove the folded leaves and you have the eggs. miniature figs grow well too. I use a 24 watt cool daylight energy saver bulb and they don't give off too much heat but good light. Use a Chinese hat shade with the bulb.
  14. Usually get a better hatch with light, but whatever works is best. You are probably right with the salt. I don't know how much per coke bottle as I used to make a solution in bulk and tip in as required.
  15. Do you have an air stone bubbling to keep them moving, a light on them and around 24 degrees C?
  16. I have never used it, what is it?
  17. Feed luncheon sausage but only enough that it lasts 2-3 days and therefor stays fresh.
  18. They are flowers. The plant has been grown emersed (out of the water).
  19. I used potting mix from the nursery where the food value had been used up and the plants repotted. That way, the worms do not stay in the mix and feed on it. Also I fed on luncheon sausage under glass and never had a problem with flies. You can then remove the worms from the glass.
  20. It is not a chiller, it is a thermostat.
  21. they are feeding on the nutrient that you are removing with water changes.
  22. Kuhli loaches don't eat snails.
  23. They have been introduced to lots of countries to control mosquitoes but are not as good at it as people think. They are also pretty nasty little sods and eye biters.
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