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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have found that the easiest way to see velvet is at night with the lights out and shining a torch onto the fish. It will look like it is sprinkled with pepper.
  2. Maybe do the hybridization yourself.
  3. Yes. What you see is the result of water retention from kydney failure which can be from a number of causes, all of which are incurable (by the time they pine cone there has been too much damage)
  4. Ebay is in $US even if the seller is in Asia
  5. Measure the tank width by length by the height you wish to fill it to then calculate the volume in litres, fill it and add the required salt.
  6. The idea is to multiply the yeast till you have enough then exclude the air so it concentrates on fermentation. It will ferment and multiply with air but mainly ferment without.
  7. 1 Use a wine yeast --it will ferment for longer as beer and bakers yeasts are killed off by lower concentrations of ethanol. 2 Mix your yeast with a teaspoon of warm water and some yeast nutrient from the home brew shop (a little vegemite will do also) 3 Put the mix in a small bottle with cotton wool in the top and keep it warm until it is working well (producing bubbles) 4 Add to main sugar mix and connect to system. Yeast multiplies in the presence of oxygen and ferments in the absence of.
  8. The amount of yeast is not too important as it multiplies in the presence of air and ferments without it.If you get your yeast working properly before you add the sugar it will be away right from the start.
  9. If you want it as a bubble counter you would take the inlet tube down to almost the bottom then add a little water so as to see the bubbles but leave enough space for any overflow. There is not a lot of point having a bubble counter on a system where you cannot realy adjust the flow of gas.
  10. alanmin4304

    New here.

    Welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here.
  11. There is a dwarf Sag around---microfolia.
  12. There are a number of things you need to look out for and it is explained well with the link (the colour coding helps)
  13. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  14. 96% water, has low nutritional value and may cause diarrhoea. There is a link on the care sheet for beardies---worth a look.
  15. Looks like columnaris. Treat with an antibiotic such as Tri sulpha if you want to pay for a prescription or Furan2 from the petshop if you don't.
  16. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  17. Gloves would be a good idea if you have any worries.
  18. We have about 150mm thick coating of snow on the roof which keeps moving towards the edge and dropping off with very loud thumps. Will probably get it all night.
  19. " Would you rather have an aftershock or a snowstorm?". We went for the snowstorm.
  20. I survived childbirth 3 times. Nearly got my hand bitten off the first time.
  21. I got all the required gear (apart from the cylinder) off Ebay
  22. alanmin4304

    Hi there

    I was replying to the previous comment by LA (livingart)
  23. Shouldn't make any diference. Stop worrying you don't have a problem.
  24. alanmin4304

    Hi there

    LA ---a very patient dragon I would suspect.
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