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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Dropsy is a sign that results from fluid retention caused by damage to the kidneys and can result from number of causes. By the time you see the swelling and pine coning of the scales it is too late. I have never seen a fish cured of dropsy and I always put them down rather than prolong the agony until death results.
  2. I have had "the visit" after purchasing some plants off trademe and not realising they had been imported illegally. I was lucky as the plant had died. Best to remember that they have the right to sterilize any aquarium that the plant has been in and they would be tempted if they knew you were aware that the plant was illegally imported. Fish and plants do not survive being sterilized,
  3. Its all we had in the day :sage:
  4. C. nevilli or C. nevilli nevilli? Haven't aseen it for many years and hope that is what it is. It is small, slow growing and has the characteristic spade leaf. Better get one to the man so he can flower it.
  5. I guess the worse that could happen is that you would dose the tank with free malaleuca (tea tree or manuka).
  6. Are we talking plecos or bristlenose here? Plecos can get realy big. There was someone breeding them in Tauranga years ago in a pond fed from a hot well and I think they were over a metre long.
  7. Where would he put the helium or the escape over the back fence gene?
  8. The genes in angels are in pairs so it sounds as though your black has a single black, single striped, single veil tail and if it has a blotchy pattern it may have a single marble gene. I would try to cross it to a gold with double veil tail genes. I don't know what a platinum is so can't help you there. In my view the safest way to raise angel fry is to remove the eggs and hatch and raise them seperately.
  9. The term hardwood relates to the cell structure rather than how hard the wood is. Totara and kauri are hardwoods but are very soft (and therefore easy to carve with a relatively blunt greenstone tool). Hardwoods are best because they are less likely to rot but there are some native woods which are toxic (not sure about toxicicity to fish from the wood) such as tutu and ongaonga. Introduced trees such as yew and macrocarpa and acorns from oak trees can be toxic to stock but also not sure about toxicity to fish by wood. The imported driftwood in the shops are hardwoods from swamps I would think (other than locally sourced stuff). The best part is usually the root structure of Rata, matai, rimu etc
  10. That would be a nice looking lizard if it lost one head.
  11. Get 3 pieces of King kelp and make them into bags by cutting an end off and pushing your fist through the middle. Fill smallest bag with mussels then place in next biggest and then largest. Put on ashes of open fire and remove when first two bags are burned off. Cut last bag open and pig out. Cooked in own juice.
  12. I have seen people call them the pearls and munch them up.
  13. I used to grow 3-4 varieties of chillis and make chilli sauce but then found out I can buy a 1 pound jar from the asian wholesale shop for a few dollars so no longer bother. Same with spuds and corn. By the time you get yours they are cheap as in the shops. The only advantage is that they are so nice fresh from your own garden. They take up so much room we stick to growing the other stuff mainly. Garden not doing much this year.
  14. You can control the flow OK with a needle valve and bubble counter.
  15. They will keep just as well in the fridge with lemon juice as with any type of vinegar--it is the pH that does the trick and the chilli will help as well.
  16. Redwood Aquatics used to make tanks but not sure if they still do.
  17. Straight lemon juice with garlic and chilli to taste.
  18. Looks more like damage from a hard object or a tougher fish.
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