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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Ya could--just change the spelling if it is a girl. Is it standard green or a bit fancy?
  2. I used to breed the Alexandrines and I found that you only had to look at the nest and the parents would desert it. Are you hand rearing that one.
  3. Fan? is right---no fan and automatic humidity control so that should be OK. Still think the temperature range is a bit limited and volume seems limited.
  4. Another way is to use a bare tank and make a smaller tank inside with a s/s mesh bottom a few mm off the bottom of the bigger one. I have bred heaps of fish both ways. Both methods work best with eggs that are not too adhesive.
  5. Keep a good hold on your handbag.
  6. The fan may dry out the eggs, but if you use sealed containers it would not matter. The temperatures seem a bit on the low side. It is also not very good capacity wise. Need to make sure they are ok for NZ power.
  7. There are a few gurus on this site but most are very careful about security.
  8. There are a number of types and it can be controlled the same way. I had a friend with a very large pond that went red on the top during the day and it cleared at night because it was producing gas during the day.
  9. 5 baby Hi yellow leps and a couple of well coloured inland beardies thinking about laying as well as Japanese fire bellies warming up.
  10. To add to your confusion---blue green algae is not and algae but a bacteria and it is not always blue/green but can also be red.
  11. You don't need to ask who their supplier is either when you know they will not want to disclose that.
  12. It would not be unusual for a shop to not want to tell you who their reptile suppliers are for very obvious reasons. Snealy2 knows his stuff.
  13. Are you treating the replacement water for chlorine? Please add your location to the signature and someone local may be able to help.
  14. alanmin4304


    I feel confident that the fish will not be able to tell the difference.
  15. Men are far too busy being head over heals with their partners to think of mundane things like socks.
  16. They are like us. We know from experience that we can swallow an object straight off, or swallow one if we chew it or swallow one if we take bites out of it and fish are the same. If they chew the tail off a fish it will be there until they have taken as many bites as they wish.
  17. It is a combination of being a blokey thing (colour blindness is far more common in men) and the distortion by your fish tank lights.
  18. As I said. It is not about the light but about the heat. The bulb is a source of heat. What was the temperature?
  19. Fertility is related to heat not light. The light is used as a source of heat and the eggs will not be fertile or hatch if the heat is not over about 28 deg C. I run mine at about mid 30s and they hatch in 11 days.
  20. alanmin4304


    There is one in the park over the road from us. Handy wee cones and not as messy as the strawberry trees or as useful as the pear and the walnut.
  21. Does the one in the pic still have its tail?
  22. It was an exact replacement for the one that failed. I will keep it now as a spare. That is when the shaking slows up and EQC come to the party so I can set up another tank.
  23. Next time you are there you should congratulate them and encourage them to keep looking after them properly.
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