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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Opium is a natural product as is hemlock.
  2. The Crypts that are from Sri Lanka would do OK because the water there is hard and alkaline.
  3. Many moons ago, when I had a shipment of gold fish arrived from Singapore on the same day that I was due to meet for the first time with a lady, I treated some of the fish by wiping them with malachite green before puting them into their tank. Of course I was a little stupid and didn't wear gloves---ended up with hands like the jolly green giant. Tried every conceivable thing to get it off without any luck then remembered that the Inspectors of Health at the Health Department used to carry malachite green tablets to test if the butchers had been being naughty and adding sulphur dioxide to their mince. It makes grey mince (through adding mutton to beef mince) turn red, and the malachite green goes colourless with SO2. Got to a friends place who made home brew just in time and a quick rinse with metabishuphite (used to sterilize the bottles) solved my bacon. It would have been a brief meeting I suspect.
  4. It will depend a lot on how well insulated they are and what the ambient temperature is.
  5. It needs to be free of phosphorus and fine enough to coat live food. Difference will be carbonate but haven't done the calcs.
  6. Reduces the risk in a sump used for multiple tanks
  7. I have a two story where each is 1600x600x600mm and each is heated with a100watt ceramic on a thermostat.
  8. If you intend to get serious it would be a good time to start making your own tanks.
  9. When it cools down (like now--actually freezing) and they are showing signs of slowing up I don't feed them for 2-3 days then lower the temperature to to about 14 deg and decrease the lights. Started this about a week ago with some leps but still have a beardie that I think wants to lay again so will wait for them.
  10. alanmin4304


    Welcome and good luck.
  11. I have had the dreaded visit from the boys and girls after buying a plant on trademe being sold by an ex member on here. He got the repercussions but the plant had died by the time they got here and the bus ticket didn't even get wet. The buyer would claim innocence but the seller would get the please explain (as would the place it originally came from).The buyer would best not get smart or they might decide to sterilize everything that had had even got close to the prawn.
  12. Your plants will not use a lot of nutrient until they convert from emersed to submersed, get established and start growing rapidly. You may need to use less firts and light until the plants get properly established as I suspect they are feeding algae at the moment.
  13. That blue tint is not unusual in silvers that are healthy and wanting to breed
  14. Low temperatures and a prepaid funeral fund.
  15. I had mine with individual tanks and manual water changes because I set it up for quarantine. I know one person here with automatic water changes and a community sump with filtration and commercial UV. He uses two heat pumps.
  16. Welcome to the forums. Sorry I can't help with African Cichlids but there are plenty on here that can and will.
  17. If you react sulphuric acid with bird poos you get sulphate of potash (pottasium sulphate)
  18. Sounds like plenty of food to me. Plenty of calcium at that age. If it eats what it wants three times a day it is doing pretty well.
  19. It is basically bird droppings reacted with sulphuric acid and other bits added including Mo, K, B, Ca, Mg, and Se. There is a heap of stuff in there that you probably don't want in an aquarium
  20. I had it and managed to kill it many moons ago. It was then a legal import. It is so rare in its native habitat that to import it you would need to have the right paperwork. I understand that there are a few in NZ but people play it close to the chest. They are available on Ebay etc.
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