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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. I would think you could get 20 in there no trouble :happy1: Large school of Rummy Noses looks great What sort of filter are you running on this tank??
  2. Apparently this belongs to Bart from Whangerei :dunno:
  3. Fill it up with Rummy Noses and it will look fabulous :thup:
  4. I would pop im into the 50L bin and treat him with Wunder Tonic, which I think has Malachite Green in it along with some other meds. It's amasing stuff, hasn't failed me yet :thup:
  5. Sorry to hear about the loss of Wally &c:ry
  6. Adding an Internal Filter, to my 3 tanks, to keep the water circulating has certainly worked for me, made a huge difference. I don't add CO2 or Ferts, and yes I do have plants that are doing well :thup: Hoping to add CO2 soon
  7. I have a brand new bag (25Kg) of White Silica Sand, that hasn't been opened yet $18 which is what I paid for it, plus shipping?? Let me know what you think Lynda
  8. Does look very similar to a Bumble Bee. But I'm no expert :slfg: Maybe wait for someone else who's knows more about these than me to help you ID it
  9. :oops: :roll: :slfg: Love watching Mum and Dad look after their chicks, even know how to tell the difference between Mum and Dad now too
  10. Looks like it's raining, think Mum and Bubbers are having a nap
  11. Start a new Thread. "URENTLY NEED CYCLED MEDIA" See what replies you get I would have certainly left the gravel as it was, just chucked it back into the tank after setup, and slowly gravel clean as needed, but can't turn that back now. So best bet now is to find some cycled media.
  12. Do yo know of anyone you can get some cycled media off, that will speed up the ycling process. Not a huge amount of the bacteria is stored in the water anyway, far better to try and get hold of some cycled media if you can. I have some Metro I can send to you, just not sure it will get to you in time :-? What size tank is it and what filter are you running on it.
  13. Sorry to hear the really sad news &c:ry
  14. Where about's in Palmy are you?? What sort of fish do you have??
  15. Can only be obtained from a Vet. Just not good to treat all your other fish if they don't need it, be abit like us taking antibiotics for no reason I guess. Have you upped your Water Changes?? That would be a start
  16. I'd have to say Trade Me is your best option if your not wanting to spend too much
  17. He's not sounding good at all :-? I would up the water changes to a 1/3 3 times a day if need be, got to be better than using chemicals. You need to treat him with Metronidazole 200mg per 40 Litre's Preferably in a tank on his own. Get well soon Mr Oscar
  18. Yayyyyyy, I saw her two chicks :happy1:
  19. I did that Ira, just tried it again. 1st time his details came up, 2nd time I got nothing :roll:
  20. Dam, I've been waiting waiting to seeher move but nothing, then I flick onto something else for a few minutes, now she's turned around :an!gry I'm sure she's know's I'm watching her :facepalm:
  21. Hmm how did you find that?? I searched and got nothing :roll:
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