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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO



    Will be 8.5 Tablets per treatment, which should be twice a day, as Metro is only effective for 8-12 hours. I'm going by what Discusguru advised me to do when I had problems with the Discus I got from him. I put the tablets into a snaplock bag, roll a glass over them to crush them into a fine powder then mix with a small amount of water untill its a smooth paste, then add more water, then add to the tank.


    Hmmm, so your going to need about 8.5 400mg tablets for one treatment :roll: Metro is ineffective after 8-12 hours so need to treat twice a day, with a near 80% water change in between each dose, need to complete 6 doses. Was going to offer to send you some, but with the amount you are going to need, will be better for you to get them from the Vet. Far easier to treat in a 40 Ltr tank, hence the 400mg per 40ltrs.
  3. Wy cant you get the blow flies to do the job for you. You catch them, feed them, they then blow on the smelly meat that you are suppling, they then grow into little flies, not sure how long this process takes though :dunno:
  4. My husband got one of there for christmas :gigl: Man some of them fried flies smell terrible


    Will need to make an app with the Vet, as Metro is abit of a pain to get to be honest, give the Vet a big speel about whats up with your fish and what you need to treat this internal parasite, most of the time people like you and me know more about fish keeping and meds than they do. How many litres is your tank??


    Treat with Metronidazole 400mg to 40Ltrs of water. Will need to get this from a Vet
  7. I did think they looked abit more slender than my Kribs :roll: Maybe they are taeniatus ??
  8. Ohhh no, your not wife bashed are you :sml1: Always away around that, Hide her jandals :gigl:
  9. Ahhha I forgot the hyphen :facepalm: Got the right site now
  10. When I go to this site and click on an item it sends me off to some advertising page. Am I on the right site :dunno:
  11. I think you have every right to be Pissed at them :an!gry What a way to run a company alright, some people just have no idea :roll:
  12. WooooHoooo Awesome :thup:
  13. Man, why can't people keep their bugs to themselves :gigl:
  14. Bummer, never mind, I'm sure there will be plenty of other times that they will be happy to take your Blood :thup: Can't help getting sick, hope your feeling better soon
  15. Yes, thats right :thup:
  16. Really sorry to hear the sad news about your Male Seahorse. &c:ry
  17. You could try moving the parents and the fry, syphon the fry out with a piece of air line tubing. I would be more inclined to move the fry along with their parents, good for Mum and Dad to get the hang of what they should be doing with their fry. Congats on the fry too :thup:
  18. Not sure what kind of "sharks" you're after, but I hope its a pretty big tank if you're planning on keeping then with the clown loaches, which makes me wonder why you'd want neons to go with them...
  19. Could be the Ballast's
  20. Good Luck, look forward to hearing how it goes :thup: Pity about missing chemistry and biology :gigl:
  21. Wow, Thanks for that info mcrudd, might have to watch them while I'm having breakfast tomorrow morning
  22. Buggar, really sorry to hear the sad news &c:ry
  23. Yea I know what you mean, I have 3 Aqua One Tanks a AR980, AR 620 and an AR620T, awesome tanks, I didn't know they made a 510 :thup: I have replaced my trickle filters with Aqua One External Filters.
  24. Are you wanting to put these all in the same tank??
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