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Winter power bills


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Hey everyone thought it would be interesting to see what your power bills have gone upto in the winter with fish

I have 1 x 90 litre tank heated , 1 x 75 litre heated and 1 x 3 foot old style tank heated

Bill was 159 but 148 with power shop specials

I do have a comptuer going all the time and a dish washer every second day. no heating though use a fire

Whats your bill with your fish????

I wouldnt want mine to get up anymore the tank in the lounge wouldnt use much as its heated in there rest of house pretty cold

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Last month was about $400. This month nearly $600. :tears: :tears: I just have to ignore the power bills or I'd stop doing the Turtle Rescue work!

i know that feeling, sometimes our hearts overrule or heads

400 hundy a month at the moment :(

and i have cut back

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Last month was about $400. This month nearly $600. :tears: :tears: I just have to ignore the power bills or I'd stop doing the Turtle Rescue work!

Good on you for doing what you do I hope people donate etc

My turtle died i had it for at least 12 years or more and it was an adult when I got him

I couldnt bear to get another one so I used the tank for breeding guppies I miss the turtle but ccouldnt afford all the new UV lights and an external filter

I dont miss changing the water everyweek BUT i miss him hes burried in the rose garden


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i know that feeling, sometimes our hearts overrule or heads

400 hundy a month at the moment :(

and i have cut back

I better not moan too much at mine then BUT no more tanks

I saw a nice one at the hospice the other day with built in fillter and light for 25 bucks

BUT had to walk off lol

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I have no way to tell, just from the amount, how much difference a tank makes (indeed it makes little difference year round due to the room's warmth) to winter power bills. Our bill goes up in winter because we run heatpumps more but in summer we have the aircon going.

Our bill will have gone up though as we have an extra adult living in the house so more power and hot water is being used.

We have just had double glazing put in and will re-do the Batts in the ceiling.

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I have my two tanks (245L and 300L), as well as the 42in TV, plus two gaming PCs. Also have a heat pump in the living room.

Power bills are normally around $180-$220, and have not changed due to adding the 2x 150W heaters and the 1x 300W heater. Nor have the lights or filters affected the power bill (or not enough to be noticed).

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It still surprises me how few people insulate their tanks. I have always glued a layer of poly or closed cell foam to the sides of my home tanks (even cold water ones). the guy who taught me this saved $50 a month on his power bills for only 20 tanks doing this on 3 sides of all of them. with cold water tanks it will keep your tanks a couple of degrees cooler during summer.

if your lucky enough to have a dedicated fish room you can insulate it and heat it all through a heat pump, WAY more efficient than heating the water, plus it helps during power outs as well.

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Pop down to your local supermarkets and get the old fish poly boxes. Your saving them getting rid of them, and cut them up with a craft knife (so that you have flat pieces) and tape them to your tanks. Easy cheap insulation (cost of knife, tape, and maybe petrol? to the supermarket). Some people at Woolies may try to sell them to you, come back later when that person's shift has ended :thup:

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Most of my tanks have polystyrene on 2 sides and I've had the insulation upgrade done on the house recently to try and help cut down on power and keep the house warmer. It has helped a bit. Last year at this time the bills were $700, but I also had more tanks throughout the house instead of most in the one room as I have this year. I also have 60 to 100 watt globe bulbs on for 10 hours a day on every tank and pond....so that adds to the power.... :facepalm:

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Latest power bill was $350.00 ish , up from around 200.00 before I got into fish, and before this hellish cold weather.

I have 3 tanks running (160L, 60L and little quarantine cube) - But I also live in an extended garage. ... i.e no insulation whatsoever.

I use a gas heater, because then it won't make my powerbill look so bad, even tho I have to fork out for gas every week :D

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2 adults here, in our little 2 bedroom unit in summer the power bill is about $140, and goes up to $200 for a couple of the coldest months over winter. I have the one tiny cube tank heated to 19 degrees in the garage, 2 little tanks in the house. We heat the bedroom at night and the computer room in the morning until the sun arrives. I dry as much washing on the line as I can throughout winter so only have to finish things off in the dryer most of the time. I'd really like to have a warmer house but it costs a lot. Gas was the best heater we had but I don't like the condensation and damp that followed using it. We are moving soon to a house with carpet, and lots more sun so I look forward to a warmer living room. :happy2:

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1x 240 litre

1x 180 litre

1x 60 litre

1x 40 litre

1x 20 litre

1x 100 litre (not heated)

Power bill is less than $100 - though last month was $130 as I had the heater on full bore over a weekend last month as it was particularly cold - so that's where my power goes, blasted electric heater.

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1x 240 litre

1x 180 litre

1x 60 litre

1x 40 litre

1x 20 litre

1x 100 litre (not heated)

Power bill is less than $100 - though last month was $130 as I had the heater on full bore over a weekend last month as it was particularly cold - so that's where my power goes, blasted electric heater.

wow see the tanks must not use that much then

i reckon my dishwasher uses more lol

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How are you heating a house for $100 - $130/month?

Most evenings after work I'm home late so have dinner then go to bed so the heater isn't on long, or it hasn't been particularly cold so I don't need it on a high setting.

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