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Fishkeepers and IT

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Hi all, I just read a post about someone working in IT. At the bottom of the post, another member mentioned that they are also in IT.

I remembered another post from someone who had their car covered in aerials... This got me thinking...

Is there a link between Fishkeepers and computer enthusiasts? I'm pretty keen on both :thup: Be interesting to see how many of us are and how many are not :dunno:

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The car with all the aerials belongs to my husband. We own a computer company and he is an Amateur Radio operator. I think, as said, computer people are more likely to use forums than there being a specific link but there do seem to be a large number of computer enthusiasts in the fish keeping world! :happy2:

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Nerds! :smln: I do networking and IT security for a large private company. Used to do consulting, but I got sick of the constant travel and pressure. I still get a few international trips each year, but it's usually for audits rather than troubleshooting and roll-outs. We have a great in-house team, and the exec and board are closely aligned with IT - they don't mind spending if the benefits are there. A nice change from the public sector!

Investigating Splunk for SIEM plus centralised logging and reporting at the moment - pretty cool stuff. I'll be off to Vegas for a Splunk user conference later in the year :bounce:

That's one of the cool things about IT, lots of new toys to play with.

If you are thinking of IT for a career, I suggest getting just enough education to get you a foot in the door with an IT provider, then learn on the job and do industry specific courses.

A co-worker who left for her OE a few years ago got me into fishies. Now I wonder why I didn't do it sooner :hail:

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I'm not so sure about the forum posting... I'm not a fan of forums.

This is the only one I read and post on, and that's because it has relevant and useful information - A lot of forums do not.

Interesting to see that a lot of fishkeepers are computer/technically-minded. Obviously there will be some that are not, but it looks like there are grounds for a connection between the two.

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IT is pretty pervasive these days, and you will need to use a computer to even access this board!

My first summer project was to analyse the output of the fetal heart rate monitors used at National Women's back in the 1970s. We recorded the output of these machines and took it to the DSIR for analysis on their PDP-11s ( I think ). One of the scientists there did the analysis for us which was lucky because the amount of Fortran I knew would not have been up to the task! Fortunately the results we got reassured the obstetricians. And the experience put me off live bearers :slfg:

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