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Hmmm... may do, it is Tuesdays and Thursdays which does not conflict with anything.

My first car was a Ford Escort, then a Mitsi Mirage, both manual. I love manuals but have a stupid automatic people wagon at the moment.

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Do it Zev!

IMO martial arts are really a good thing to do. Been dong karate for 9 years now. Hopefully in the future I shall learn Kung Fu and Muay Thai.

Self defense, discipline, relaxing and fitness. Can't ask for much more.

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Good lord. Don't ask her to learn martial arts!

Joe, more kids need to do PE at school. We can't have generations of future kiwis getting fatter and lazier (we're already getting more and more unhealthy!) because the cost of healthcare can cripple the economy. If some of the kids like the PE they may grow up and be more active and healthy as a result.

My first car ever (in my own name) was a 1994 Toyota Camry Lumiere. That was in 2003!

Man I feel old.

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Joe, more kids need to do PE at school. We can't have generations of future kiwis getting fatter and lazier (we're already getting more and more unhealthy!) because the cost of healthcare can cripple the economy. If some of the kids like the PE they may grow up and be more active and healthy as a result.

I understand fitness is important. My point is that I think PE is a waste of time - sport and all that competitive rubbish. I can get fit by walking every day if I want to. And I think that's what should be done at schools IMO. And those who want to do sport can either do it as a hobby out of school, or choose it as an optional subject. I see your point about healthcare crippling the economy, and I am not saying that there should not be any physical activity at all in schools. I just think sport and games are a waste of time. I would quite happily walk around the field a few times instead of playing a game of soccer, where I would just stand there and do nothing, afraid of being injured by some buff kid walking into me or getting hit with the ball. Sport is a safety hazard, and you are much more likely to get injured playing sport than you are going for a walk. Also I think PE uniforms are stupid, and I hate getting changed in the changing rooms. I would much rather just wear the clothes that I already have on. People judge me and are very immature in the changing rooms. All of this could be avoided if we had "fitness" instead of PE - which is really actually sports practice, and only caters for the buff guys who like to be rough :roll: With "fitness", everyone could go at their own pace - the buff guys could do push ups etc, and the kids like me who are not into being buff, rough and tough could just go for a nice long walk. And the tough guys could get changed if they want to, but all those against the dreaded changing rooms could just stay in their normal school uniform.

Do you see my point?

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PE at school put me off sports for life. I am with Joe on this one. You should not be forced to play sport. Luckily they didn't do cross country when I was at school 8)

Busy day at work today :roll:

Lots of flu injections being jabbed into people :wink:

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PE at school put me off sports for life. I am with Joe on this one. You should not be forced to play sport. Luckily they didn't do cross country when I was at school 8)

Busy day at work today :roll:

Lots of flu injections being jabbed into people :wink:

Lots of people don't like maths. Should they stop making students do that. School is about more than just academics. We are becoming a nation of overweight, unfit people and the health system is struggling as it is. Personally I don't think they put enough emphasis on p.e.

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Lots of people don't like maths. Should they stop making students do that. School is about more than just academics. We are becoming a nation of overweight, unfit people and the health system is struggling as it is. Personally I don't think they put enough emphasis on p.e.

Maths is important though, and is required to gain many qualifications. So is Science, English and Social Studies. PE is not. And like I have said, PE is sports and games. This only caters to those people who are competitive, and like to argue about who scored what goal, or argue about who is "out" or "in" etc. I think doing some sort of exercise, like walking which I have already stated, would be much more appropriate for schools as it caters for everyone. Also in PE there is a high chance of people getting injured. People in my PE class get injured regularly. I think PE should be optional, and those who don't want to do it should still be made to do some sort of physical activity, but something that doesn't involve being competitive, or some aim to it. With stuff like walking or biking, there is no competition to it, or no aim. You just do it, and you get fit while doing it. As you have stated, it is important to be fit. I just think sports is a load of rubbish, and like Josh stated, is for meatheads.

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Sport is not for meatheads. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it is valueless. Sports make exercise more fun (for the majority of people) and teach sportsmanship and teamwork. Sounds like the issue is poor quality teaching rather than p.e.

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Nice one LA :lol:

Sport is not for meatheads. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it is valueless. Sports make exercise more fun (for the majority of people) and teach sportsmanship and teamwork. Sounds like the issue is poor quality teaching rather than p.e.

You learn teamwork in many other subjects as you have to work with people, like I have already stated in an earlier post. I work with lots of people in English, Social Studies and Science.

Like I have said, you are much more likely to get injured in sport than walking and stuff like that.

Also I don't know what you mean about poor quality teaching. My PE teacher is brilliant, he is a wonderful guy and is great to talk to. I have had no problems with him. I just don't like PE and get nothing out of it.

Also like I have said, sport should be optional so those competive guys can get fit while having their "fun" arguing with each other, and those who don't do sport should be made to do a non competitive form of exercise. I do agree with you that exercise is important.

And you will be suprised how many kids don't like sport. There are quite a few at my school.

Sport is valueless to people, like me, who don't like regularly getting injured, and who aren't competitive. Those people just stand and do nothing in PE. I would happily go for a walk, and I wouldn't get injured by flying balls and tough people accidentally running into me. I would still be getting exercise, and getting fit.

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PE is not just about sport. It teaches about the body (muscles etc..) team work.... I didn't enjoy PE but i still play hockey for club and school. I find playing sports challenges me and i find it fun. Indujries are just part of the game, some sports you get more such as rugby compared to non-contact sports like net ball.

And i am Certainly Not Buff :lol:

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I bought some new fish today :happy2:

my dwarf rasbora have been slowly reducing in numbers so I restocked with 5 mosquito rasbora. They coloured up almost immediately I put them in the tank and then happily chowed down on a feast of microworms.

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