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some years are like that


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anyone know how to speed up the year?

I need this one to come to an end

So far Ive had a company go broke for $15,000

both vans broke down at the same time so I had to buy another

Lost 3 specie of Killi through having too many to worry about and not putting enough effort into those

My wifes business partner did a runner taking all stock and money meaning we have to take her to court

this morning my daughters home burnt to the ground. At least her hubby and son are OK but shes due in a month

Next years going to be great I tell you

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Wow that is a crap year Barrie. Last year I lost 3 friends all in their 30's, I know what you mean about being glad to see the end of the year.

I think the silver lining is that your daughter, her husband and her son and unborn baby are all alive and well, cos at the end of the day everything else is just stuff and money - give them all a big hug! They sound very lucky indeed. You can definitely look at things two ways, and I say they had an amazing dose of luck this morning.

Big hugs tho, I hope life becomes less stressful very soon for you!

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I hope that doesn't mean next year is going to be mud for me because this year has been a good one! :-?

Sorry to hear about that Barrie, but at the end of the day if you and the ones you love are still above ground its not so bad, give it time, you'll get through it.

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I don't think anywhere in nature or our created worlds there is such a thing as a straight line graph.

I guess life experience and wisdom comes from those moments when we are forced to question.

I'll definitely save a toast for you this New Years Barrie- 2011 Bring it on!

All the best to you and yours!

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Oh Barrie I am so sorry to hear that. Sometimes life just keeps on dumping on you. :(

A house fire is one of my worst fears. Losing everything would be terrible. It happened to a friend of mine. She had two toddlers. Luckily they were all out when it happened though she did drive off the road after seeing from a distance what was happening. Her hubby worked from home so they lost all that too . They were left with nothing but the clothes they stood up in.

It was awful esp when they found their contents insurance was way too low. They were grateful that they were all unhurt but it was very hard when they had absolutely nothing. No clothes, nappies, personal papers etc. You suddenly realise how much stuff you really have and use in one day.

They went to WINZ and they wouldn't help coz they didn't have any ID!!! :roll: They had a bit of a run around there. It took them awhile but they did build a lovely new house.

Has your daughter got somewhere to stay ?

Is there anything they need that we can help with?

Chin up

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Yeah, really crap year this year. Mother in law diagnosed with cancer that's going to kill her, mom with strokes causing complete paralyses caused by cancer, grandpa died of cancer last week. Going to be going back to the US in a month or so to be there when we "Let mom go."

This year sucks.

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Oh Barrie I am so sorry to hear that. Sometimes life just keeps on dumping on you. :(

A house fire is one of my worst fears. Losing everything would be terrible. It happened to a friend of mine. She had two toddlers. Luckily they were all out when it happened though she did drive off the road after seeing from a distance what was happening. Her hubby worked from home so they lost all that too . They were left with nothing but the clothes they stood up in.

It was awful esp when they found their contents insurance was way too low. They were grateful that they were all unhurt but it was very hard when they had absolutely nothing. No clothes, nappies, personal papers etc. You suddenly realise how much stuff you really have and use in one day.

They went to WINZ and they wouldn't help coz they didn't have any ID!!! :roll: They had a bit of a run around there. It took them awhile but they did build a lovely new house.

Has your daughter got somewhere to stay ?

Is there anything they need that we can help with?

Chin up

2 neibours have offered her places to stay plus half her street has offered all sorts of things, people that she has never met...

They are really humbled by it all

People are great

Ira, we need to have a couple of burbons eh

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