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Has anyone ever dropped a fish?


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I just spent the last quarter hour crawling around on my hands and knees on the floor looking for a Bolivian Butterfly Ram which jumped out of the net. Thank goodness for my 4 year old who recognises all the fish and said 'but Mummy there are two malivian butterfly rams in the tank'. The one I lost must have jumped into the tank. Talk about lucky. :lol:

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Killis jump

One this morning decided to jump from some Java moss I was moving to the storage bucket... bang

onto the floor covered in all sorts of stuff including worn concrete

picked it up and chucked it back in the tank... hid for a couple of minutes untill I added food

same as me I guess... offer food or drink and all else is forgotten :oops:

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i was climatising a couple of SAE in a bucket and one jumped out, took about 5 minutes to find him, he was in my shoe! not the one i was wearing... i put him back in the bucket and he looked dead, just floating but slowly recovered and half a hour later was swimming fine, hes still alive 4 months later :)

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I had a Bala shark jumped out of a bucket TWICE :roll: onto freshly laid concrete floor and it looked like a fish battered and ready to be fried. I didn't expect it to live, 2 weeks later I did not even know which fish it was and it is still swimming around with its mates.

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I have dropped a few fish.. Worst one was a bowl full of baby fish.. Had just caught them was around 70 demasoni, 30 johanni, and 40 peacocks and a heap of jullies at 1-2cm long.. It took a long time to find most of them unfortunately lost a heap :(

Moral of the story dont balance things on the top of the tank while your working in it.. :(

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This is not so much dropping but all the talk of losing and hunting for fish made me recall this. When I was in Form 2, our home room was the science class and they had a tank that had some goldfish in it. One day this kid was getting large pieces of thick cardboard that were being stored near the tank, he spun around for some reason which resulted in the cardboard hitting the fish tank and smashing or knocking it to the floor. I was absolutely beside myself as was my friend. We spend soooooo long hunting for the poor fish. Finally found the goldfish under the teachers desk, dead. :(

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well a few yrs ago now when i started wrking in pet store the boss was showing me how to bag up a fish,1/4 to 1/3 water then air etc then he showed me how to tie the bag by twisting it as i said will it brake it burst and we got soaked and neons everywere,

a few mths ago i was teaching new staff member in my new job what to do

that the samething happend water everywere,i picked the fish up and put in tank quick before anyone noticed and just thought dayjavu,

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yea i was putting in an undergravel into one of my tanks, striped the tank completly except for the CAE, tried putting the grates down but he hid under them, hended up catching him in my hands and throwing him at the bucket of water, didnt realise till i was finished that i missed the bucket... bad i know but hes still alive, hasnt grown an inch but still alive

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