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snake kid

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Ive been thinking about getting some for quite a while now and am not detered by the fact that they do not live long any one have mice are they good pets do they like being handeled please dont suggest another animal

unless you really think I would get alot more enjoyment NO RATS mum is terrifyed of them and I will not let me get one what so ever.

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Mice are cute but they do smell and are incontinent, both of which are annoying.

I always thought the ideal would be a mouse with the trainability and continence of a rat.

Mice do like being handled and they do make good pets, apart from the smell...

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I had both rats and mice. Both were great pets but yes the mouse tends to poo anywhere, where a rat likes to have a poo spot in their enclosure. And will hold it when on you so it can go in its comfort zone. I would go for a girl one of which ever you decide they just smell better. I used to get the packets of wood chips for them from the petstore smells less than if you use shredded paper, but mice like paper to build a nest which can be fun to watch. Also if you buy more than one mouse theres a chance if they are young they could have been incorrectly sexed so may end up with unplanned babies. Enjoy it whatever you get!

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Sorry for the double post but....

In the last few years, sugar gliders have become the latest craze in the pet industry. What is a sugar glider anyway? A sugar glider is a marsupial which is related to the kangaroo family. The females have a pouch that they carry their young in much like kangaroos. They are found in the wild in New Zealand and Tasmania.
http://www.essortment.com/all/whataresugarg_rhnx.htm Can anyone confirm this?
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Yeah I have to agree with everyone about the smell of mice. I had them as pets when young and they are really cute and all but they do smell dreadful and need a lot of cleaning. Also, I (thought I) had 8 females but I went away on holiday with friends and left my Mum with my 8 mice and came back to 37 mice.

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Chinchillas are a awesome rodents from the andes in south america.

Ive always wanted one, but dont have the room.


Compromise, get a Chinchilla cat:


Soooo, much cuter! :D

I had a mouse and a rat - the rat certainly had a lot more character, she would sit on my shoulder and run around under my top (but not next to bare skin) - rats don't mind sitting about, whereas mice run all over the place. Plus I could leave her sitting on the couch and she'd just sit there, she wouldn't scamper away.

Get a female - the boys tend to be more aggressive and bite more - and there's the nad thing as enzoom said earlier.

I think there's the misconception that people liken tame rats to the disease-ridden things in the wild. But as pet rats are also bred specifically to be pets, same as mice - they don't smell and have no diseases/fleas etc.

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I had two mice once, they were garunteed to be females (was only getting one for safety's sake but was convinced by petshop attendant - foolish me), then had 8 mice


and yes they do smell

I recommend frogs (theyre cuter, but less cuddley) but may be a little biased on that matter.

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