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new van


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You must have had some good experience doing zebra stripes to begin with!

How hard is it putting that stuff on? Have to be perfectly accurate the first time?

used to train and handle a zebra stallion, very nasty animal

bit a handlers thumb off :o

just imagined the stripes on the zebra

striping is easy, just have to make sure of placement

didn't do it but you can mix a bit of detergent in water in a spray bottle

spray surface first then apply striping you can move it if necessary then

push water out and leave for about 20 mins to stick

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not many talents, just a lifetime of being interested in learning about everything i could

everything has a process to how it works or functions

you just need to understand it

there is an art in everything, even sweeping a floor properly

the strongest man in the world can't do the trapeze if he doesn't understand the technique involved

you got to go with the flow bro :D

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Very cool van :hail:

there is an art in everything, even sweeping a floor properly

Years ago, before employment contracts, my Dad fired a guy because he only used one hand on a broom and refused to do it any other way :lol:

A couple of months ago I saw a kid in a supermarket using a broom upside down :roll: The bristles weren't even touching the floor :o

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Very cool van :hail:

Years ago, before employment contracts, my Dad fired a guy because he only used one hand on a broom and refused to do it any other way :lol:

A couple of months ago I saw a kid in a supermarket using a broom upside down :roll: The bristles weren't even touching the floor :o

lol lol lol

the state of the nation

last ute i did with sign vinyl


bought from a car yard, sadly the new paint job it had hid a multitude of sins

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