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Your first tank...

David R

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As I'm sitting here in bed watching pinkie the convict in his tank, I realised its the same slightly-larger-than-2' tank I set up as my very first tropical tank. I was given the tank by a pommy guy who worked in the orchid next door to my parents when I was 11 (1992). I had goldfish, but he knew I wanted tropicals and a bigger tank (it seemed HUGE at the time). He made it himself!

I didn't set it up for a few years, and when I did I had an eclectic mix of community fish, which mostly got destroyed by Arthur the firemouth. That lasted about 8 months before I bought a 4'er. Since then its spent many years sitting empty under the house, occasionally being pully out of retirement for all sorts of things; raising convict fry, seperating aggressive cichlids, planted community tank in mum's classroom, a group of small electric yellows, two different large male convicts (at seperate times), even keeping native skinks!

So, do you still have your first tank?

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I still have mine,and my brothers.

Mine was a 18L that origianlly had 8 tiger barbs 22 bristlenose from 1cm to 6cm and had no filter and only a airstone during the day. This was only for 1 week though. I then got a 70L 2foot tank.

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lol I sold my first tank and cabinet to my auntie it was 3ft bout 180litres had a bgk grew massive couple of clown loaches big pleco raibow shark and breeding pair of angels silver shark and couple of small convicts :lol: went awesome for my first tank

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my firts tank was plastic 4 L tank that had a black moor and comet it had no filter no air pump atached lol i dont use it now because i tryed to clean it with bleach and the sides went milky white lol

my second tank was 17 L got it a week after the 4 L had the same 2 fish with a small aquaone filter that is my back up dont know the name of it

my 3rd tank i got a month later was a Aqua One CR320

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My first tank is still going, but not at my house.

I gave it to my brother so he could get some guppies for their 5 year old.

I still go round and clean it occasionally. but have trained them how to do it properly.

Its a 30 litre tall tank.

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Still got my first tank it was a 18ltr that I use to keep goldfish when I was about 5. Now I know that goldfish cant live in tanks that small it's used as a hospital / quarintene (spelling?) tank.

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wow, cool thread!

If you don't count the peanut butter jar full of aquatic invertebrates and a snail that I had in lieu of a fish tank....

Oh hell, a plastic goldfish bowl with three tiny goldfish! No filter or anything. Poor fish. Surprisingly those ones did all right..

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Our first tank (not counting the ones when I lived with my parents as they were their tanks) was a 2ft. We killed guppies like you wouldn't believe! Turned out the nice dark red gravel we had bought from the garden centre was actually meant for African set-ups and would raise the pH to over 8 :roll:

We couldn't figure it out and kept adding pH Down :cry:

Once we found a fish keeper who figured out the problem we changed the gravel and went from there. Tried to tell the shop about the gravel but they weren't interested. :evil:

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my first tank belongs to my partner. (but is my by right of being the one who looks after the fish)

it is a 3ft bay window, sitting out on the back deck as it split a seem and needs new silicon :roll: (along with a 2ft and a 4ft that needs a new base)

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i still have my first tank, its the sort of thing that i don't think i could get rid of. it will be handy to have if i never use it :D

here's a pic. to give some perspective, its 18 inches long, the light tube is 12inches & the angels are about the size of a 20c piece. 8)


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only been in the game since november and my first tank was a 60cm by 40cm tank with a hang on filter ugly pink and green florescent stones and it also came with midnight the wild type axolotl chucked out the stones and went bare brought a new filter and some fake plants and a log for a hide

she now resides in a 4ft tank with a sand bottom lots of plants and a new filter with her mate spot the white axolotl

the original tank i was using as a nursery/quarantine/hospital tank smashed last weekend but surprisingly the baby axolotls lived

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first tank was a 3foot I think with community fish about 25 years ago, swapped it for a 4ft, swapped that for a 5ft then got out of fish in my late teens; now collecting big tanks again :roll:

my dad came over last year for dinner and was admiring some snake neck turtles swimming around then realised the tank was an old 4ft that he was wondering how he had "lost" a couple of years ago, its around 25 years old and still going strong!

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