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Has anyone seen this article on Stuff?????


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Why would MAF need to tell us. It's all in the regulations they are acting under and if anyone has any questions then they are only a phone call away. Yes there are loop holes that get exploited all over the place. If people are having a go at MAF then why do these people keep fish.

Mr L

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On a side note, if goldfish aren't allow to be imported should we be keeping these, there must be a reason why they can't be imported any more same goes for WCMM. If guppies and other livebearers are in our waterways should these also be banned? Where is the sense allowing more of these in?

No one I know has said that we should be able to have access to GloDanio's or that they should be hiding from MAF.

Who has the Last say or what comes in to NZ? MAF

Who made the mistake? MAF

Who without warning or asking came on to private property to try and fix their mistakes? MAF

What did the importer do? Ordered fish of a list. Did they know that these weren’t allowed and would to put down at border??? Don't think so.

What did the breeder do? Breed fish that MAF let in. May have an Idea that things weren't 100%, but MAF had passed them.

Who is the problem here?

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Loopy they don't need to tell us but wouldn't it be better asking people to bring these in or scaring people who then hide what they have. There are lots of laws that weren't right (guy rights, nothing change but the law). Is what MAF did right??? Who knows but all the blame seems to be getting pointed at the breeders. You all can defend MAF as much as you like and blame the breeders to the sun goes down but at the end of the day it was MAF who let these into our country and they should emit that it was there fault. Not try and make out on the news that they are doing this great job stopping people keeping these fish.

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there will probably be no answers to your questions about the goldfish and minnows because most of us probably don't actually have an answer. I would LOVE an answer.

After 2 minutes of searching i found this article.


I have not read it yet but i think it looks to be extremely interesting.

There may be an answer in there or at least part of one for you?

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It is not about quarantine but politics a lot of the time and it is not only us either--- Most of the requirements in the meat industry for meat exports is not about hygiene but raising the cost of production to nearer the heavily inflated costs in Europe. A lot of the restrictions with fish are claimed to be about whirling disease (because they think it will be bad for salmon hatcheries) but it is indemic in many wild fish anyway. That was maf's excuse for stopping the movement of live tubifex worms to the north island years ago. What worries me is that there are some good reasons for quarantine and import restrictions but stupid reasoning makes people think it is all stupid---and it is not.

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The difference between the fish you have listed and GloDanios is that your fish was imported Legally

Its hard to remove someones fish that was brought into the country legally

They would have to prove that actual fish was imported illegally

I guarantee you the importer knows exactly what fish he is allowed to bring in and what they arent

And they would have known about the Glo Danios but they wouldnt admit it to them and lose the money they have just spent

Im not blaming the breeders or the hobbyists Im blaming the Importer

I have been assured Caryl that MAF do read these forums and the main reason that post was deleted was not to alarm MAF if they werent Glo Danios


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All I'm saying is there needs to be some balance in what MAF do but there is none. Goldfish and guppies in our rivers are a bigger problem than this but are they doing any thing apart from poison some lakes no they even allow more of these fish to be imported. If the rules/law was fair and just more people would live by it but we currently have a Gov Dept that doesn't have a clue about what they are trying to do. Like Allan said in many posts the reason they don't import some things is just wrong and they won't change. I don't like GE/GM either but the way they go about things is just nuts. Try getting info out of MAF and see what happens, your treated like its there country and you can just piss off. DOC is no better, try and get a permit for Kakariki, oh and if you do and they breed guess what they tell you to do with our native parrot chicks. Its not let they go and it has something to do with neck and ring. Until they treat us as partners there’s not much hope in them getting support.

What is stopping MAF from saying that Goldfish aren't on the list and have to be rubbed out? Nothing apart from a memo from MAF, how can you deal with that? Auckland Zoo were given a permit to import bird eggs but once they had been purchase and about to ship or where being shipped the permit was cancelled, this after work with MAF and doing everything they asked. If any one was going to do the right thing wouldn't it be 'A' Zoo. How can any one work with this. All we are asking for is to be dealt with fairly.

I've spoken to MAF in regards to parrots and they can't even accept that by making them illegal to import it has increase the demand for smuggled eggs.

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The destroying of GM organisims is to promote NZ as a county. If you don't like the way Govt. departments handle that, try getting in contact with someone higher up in the chain. They WILL listen to advice.

The reason DOC don't want you to release those parrot chicks - If one has a disease, it could wipe out the national population.

Unfortunately Biosecurity don't have a website where it shows what has been stopped from coming into the country, all we hear is the negative feedback.

BK - If you have a point across, please try to use punctuation, and correct spelling, all I can see from that post is a jumble of angry thoughts and words.

(Admin, please feel free to modify last paragraph if you think its over the top)

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Has anyone checked out the Glo-fish site(just google it)

It is stated on there that the fish are GM, how and why so the importer should have known.

And MAF killed all the guys danios not just the glo-fish.

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markoshark wrote

If we, as hobbyists want to get more & varied fish into NZ, why do we not coopearate with maf

Because Maf dont approve the allowable fish, It has to be approved by ERMA,

No one has every added new fish on the allowable list. And that is because it cost money which makes it hard to recover.

It can take many years to add new fish to the allowable list which has just been reduced by over 50%. as all fish have been reduced from genus to species.

If we can prove that we are trustworthy, perhaps we can get cooler fish in the future?

You got the wrong department. need to get fish approved thru Erma first and can take over 3 years. www.erma.govt.nz

Maf only enforce the law,

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Markoshark that may be the reason they give for not releasing but it doesn't stack up. The disease's are already in the environment so there is no risk of release something that isn't. Wild birds eat the seed that is around an aviary and any disease is then passed on, same happens when the mesh isn't small enough and sparrows can fly in. We would listen more if what they said were true.

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There may be some good reasons for not importing certain organisms but many of the reasons given by maf don't stack up. I have been told turtles were because of salmonella (which can be carried by sparrows, lizards,cats dogs,domestic poultry and many other animals). Goldfish by a disease which I forget but which is a risk to salmon and trout. Parrots because of psittacosis (which is endemic in the pidgeon population in Christchurch and probably many other birds in NZ). Like BK I think they would be taken more seriously if their reasons stacked up a little better. Having said that I feel better, but still think maf and the importer were at fault and both should have known more about their respective jobs. The breeder should have also thought a little deeper.

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