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Everything posted by Alan

  1. AMEN to that herefishiefishie Alan
  2. Gee Caryl, that's a bit sexist isn't it. They even have mixed wards in hospitals now. If she shared with a gentleman, he could change the TV stations, while she made the meals, the beds, the vaccuming, the dishes. Have I missed anything out? Oh yes, the bill. Alan
  3. Alan

    iwaki pumps

    Chim, I see no reason it can't be turned. It has a central drive, so that wont change. The outlet is just that, so no probs there, and the impellor rotation wouldn't change, The only thing that may be a problem, is if the bolts or screws are not symetrical. I'd try. Alan
  4. Alan

    pink fish

    David, that's a convict. You should be paying someone to take it. Alan
  5. Mow some more lawns, and wash some more cars. In other words Susi, save up and try for the school. Better for you Better for the fish. Worse for the purse tho. Sorry. Alan
  6. Alan


    One or two tanks have a heater in, when a higher the ambient temp. isn't hi enuf One of my rooms is heated only using the fluro lighting. no heaters at all Alan
  7. Alan

    pink fish

    Albino A.gardneri, What else but a killie? Alan
  8. Alan


    Heat the room instead of the tanks No probs then Cheaper too Bonus, no cooked fish Alan
  9. Letcha fingas do da walkin' Alan
  10. There are Light diffusers, and then there are light Diffusers, dare say there are light diffusers too. BUT The normal one described in the hobby, is a light diffuser. One with small, square holes, thru the depth of it. Alan
  11. Float him in a see-thru bottle by himself, in the tank. Then he can get used to the others being in his vicinity, and not feel challenged. Release him after a couple of weeks and see if his behaviour has improved. Alan
  12. Alan

    Knife Fish

    That is a Wels Catfish - - - Silurus Glanis Known to have attained at least 600lbs, but now a 200lb'r is a good one, although large ones are still caught in Russia. One was reported of having eaten a young boy. Also known to take lambs and dogs. Alan
  13. "u"-bolt it on Then it can be removed Alan
  14. Alan


    What is the ammonia reading, and not okay Alan
  15. Alan


    How long has your tank been set up? Have you done water changes lately? If so, how much? When was the last time you gave the tank a clean? If so, how did you do that? Alan
  16. Interesting comment the last part of your letter there Kim :evil: Alan
  17. Alan

    hi all

    Hi there Anne, :oops: if you want to know any thing about those STRANGE fish she keeps She's the one to ask. :lol: Welcome aboard the silly ship FNZAS Anne Alan known to you as Al :roll:
  18. Alan

    platy fry

    It really depends on their size. I too, have never had platys deliver that many pieces of silver Alan
  19. With a salt-shaker Alan
  20. Kim, it was sold privately DURING the auction. Not a good look. It wasn"t just withdrawn. Alan
  21. I agree with bikie FT that was a wankers trick to withdraw and sell it Hope TradeMe catches up with you You are still obligated to pay their share Alan
  22. Alan

    Why is my water

    they are just calcium fins. They gradually get absorbed by the acid in the water. That's the easiesr way to explain it Ever seen a tank with snails in it yhat have whitish shells? Those tanks are certain to be acidic. Alan
  23. Try doing a check on Hypostomus plecostomus Almost certain that's what it will be Alan
  24. Years ago, while tripping the "Lite Fan Tastic" thru the eastern area in Auck. We, the club, were invited to meet a Chinese gentleman who bred Discus. These were in the under-house garage area, which took up most of the area of the house. He had no lights, and we were issued with torches to admire his fish with. Absolutely beautiful, tanks spotless, obvious signs they were breeding. A whole new experiance. So maybe the brown needs LOW level, and without it, the algae does not appear. He was also right into bonsai trees, dozens of them out the back. Alan
  25. Alan

    Bristle noses

    Are you a blonde Kim? mmmmmmmmm No wonder!! :roll: Alan
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