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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan

    killies eggs

    Welcome to the silly world of keeping killies BG Good one. Kewl Alan
  2. I would think gravel dust would form throughout the water column. Sounds like a bloom to me Keep doing water changes. Alan
  3. Alan


    BG, put it in a white basin and take a pic of it from directly above the animal. From this view, a shape can give the clue to it's sex. Another thing to photograph is the leading edge of the pectoral fins. The leading edge gives some clues. Alan
  4. Make a pillow of the peat in old holeless pantyhose Lay on top of the U/G filter plate, then cover with gravel. Fish can't disturb it you can't vacuum it out you can remove it easily once your desired need has been satisfied. Alan
  5. and ain'tit just a shame ya can't pass it on too Alan
  6. I live in Whakatane, and attended more than most of the Hamiltonians, when I was a member. Postal clubs are good Only have one meeting a year. Alan
  7. Alan


    Yes, ya got that right Fins That's y we use species tanks. Alan
  8. Alan

    Red devil cichlid

    :lol: Didn't believe us huh? Alan
  9. Hi Caryl, the postie has found the other envelope. Maybe it was too heavy to have more than one delivery per day. Thanks again Alan
  10. Seahorsemad, I believe what you have outside are either CYCLOPS or DAPHNIA, no way do B/S grow or survive in fresh water. Kribcrazy, when you've stood beside Lake Grassmere, on a Queen'sBirthday weekend, and had that southerly creeps up of the alps. you should know you are living in a tropical paradise. When we went fishing there, or shrimping. They seemed to be thermally adjusted to a depth of about 200 to 300mm, almost looked like they were held in position by a sheet of glass. Absolute buzz catching 1000's of them using the figure-eight net sweep But, it was cold, so very, very cold. Alan
  11. and wotis the rite paint?? Alan
  12. I look forward to seeing them Fins. How did you incubate the eggs. My eggs take about 2 to 3 weeks when I incubate most of my killie eggs. It's fun waiting for them tho. Wok, N. rachovvi are an annual killie. Alan
  13. What other fish do you have in the tank Donna Females are liable to a lot of [harrassment] from the males just after giving birth too. Another clue to look for maybe. Alan
  14. But have you seen the result when water gets between the paint and the glass?? Huge blisters peeling off, and if it is up against a wall, it's there for a long time. Alan
  15. Alan


    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm :roll: I can read But I've had a little experiance at breeding fish. :-? Some (fish) are extremely hard to sex at the best of times, unless you are "johnny on-the-spot" when they are spawning, and NOTE which one, or both are laying. It is possible that they are swing spawning, so ID marks are needed to be noted on both fish. This method of removing the eggs before they are eaten, and hatched or attempted to hatch, proves beyond doubt, or almost, that there is, or is not, a male present. I do know N. rachovii are very eay to sex tho. :evil: Alan
  16. Caryl, the one with the Breeders Records. Also; the name tag slips, my one is missing, have you missed the main-man?? :roll: Just concerned if my name tag is missing, maybe my AW and Y-B is going to be missing also. I'll keep in touch. I have enough to read, one for each foot and each hand Just need some more eyes. Alan
  17. Alan


    BG, Have you tried taking those eggs out, put into same sort of water, aeration BY the eggs, and a little methylene blue, to see if they will hatch?? Alan
  18. Half of mine arrived today Alan
  19. Alan

    What tests?

    I wish Suemack How do I stop getting more?? Alan
  20. That's why you have a quarantine tank Lot cheaper in the long run, saves a lot of heartbreak too. Alan
  21. Alan

    fish prices

    Well how come I never got them on the auction site when I won the auction Huh? Huh ?? HUH ??? and don't say it wasn't you either mate. Alan
  22. All of the above are at my place, at the moment, outside. Not what I'd classify as a normal house temperature. At the present, a cool 8oC. Killies are at about 120C to 150C I wouldn't suggest that you get your fish from your lfs and put them into those temperatures without acclimatising them to it tho. They will, of course, do okay in a heated tank too. Alan
  23. If you want to keep your costs down and just run a cold tank. Why not think about some rosy barbs, golden barbs, and white cloud mountain minnows, also leopard-fish? Maybe not altogether. But a lot of ppl don't realize that these fish LOVE cold water, colouring up lovely and breeding too. Some killies appreciate normal house temperatures too. Alan
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