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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Rachel, the "Golden Rule" about fish compatibility, is that if a fish can fit into anothers mouth, then it is in dire straits. I can't think of any fish, that given the opportunity, they will eat a smaller tank-mate. God luck with your killies, be aware that they can jump, and go thru small gape. They will get close to 100mm given good food and care. Alan
  2. And I bet ya never checked the thermometer either. The heater stats are very cheap for what we use them for, at that price, you can expect variations. If you want exact, you'll have to pay for it. 2C isn't to be worrid about. Tell ya whot tho, if the heater jambs on and you haven't got a back-up thermostat, THEN you are in trouble. Alan
  3. I bet she wasn't pushed though. Or thrown; not our BG. So that only leaves jumped. Alan
  4. Alan

    vinagar eels

    Why do you need them? Micro-worms or baby brine shrimp are a lot easier to work with. Anything needing smaller food can be started on "green-water" Alan
  5. Alan

    funny abreviations

    Are you working with any killies at the moment?? Alan
  6. Wot's rong with a 50 watt heater. It wont have to work so hard as a 25 watter. Have a lot of plant in the breeding tank, riccia and cabomba or similar or pine tree, just load up the tank. Gives the babies a chance. Remove female as soon as she has dropped the babies. I concur with the prev. post. Use water from where the female has been living, and try and estimate about a fortnight out from the birth to put her in the trap tank. You can then go thru reg. water changes to adjust pH to 7.00 G'luck. Now are you sure you want our advice?? Alan
  7. So do we call you COW now?? Alan :roll:
  8. SO?? What's the matter with a pile of "muck" under the plate? Is it affecting anything? Not! It isn't in the gravel, the gravel is doing it's thing. If from the start of setting the tank up, with your gravel vaccuming, did you also put the syphon over the air-lift? I think not if there is a "pile" of gunk under it. With syphoning up the airlift tube, it increases the water flow, picks up the precipitate, and cleans out underneath. Just a matter of education me thinks. Alan
  9. Why take out the male. He helps with the fanning, pit digging, shifting, and generally guarding of the newbies. It is a hit and a miss if they are going to eat the spawn or babies. Mum or Dad could do it. I think you could upset the female enough to make her eat the eggs if you take out her mate. Leave them all together and watch the wonderful process of rearing a family. Alan
  10. I'd just like to say Bon-voyage to those that are going and also who have already left. I don't envy your start from the South Island tomorrow with 140k winds forecast. I hope you all have a good relaxing time, and get the serious part out of the way then, bula kava. I'm not coming back. But remember when you do come back. It'll be a lot colder. Send a email to let us know where we can keep in touch. I'm sure someone will be equipped for that. Hurry back and take care. Alan
  11. Tinfoil barbs - - Barbodes schwanenfeldii T-Barb - - B. lateristriga Ruby Barb - - Barbus nigrofasciatus. It so helps with the taxonomical names. Alan
  12. It apears to me that some are taking a sightly frivolous view of what I said. I DIDNT say that it had that warning on the tube. If they did, their sales obviously would drop. I do think that a warning that a respiratory mask should be worn could be displayed. I also knew the guy I referred to quite well. He had made tanks for years, and his health deteriorated to the point, where he had to leave for drier climes to prolong his life. I mentioned about the fumes as a warning, why pollute your body, with a damaging substance, when with a bit of knowledge, and care, it can be minimised. When ever you feel that burning sensation, you've just done some damage. Give it time, and you'll be like that guy. By the way, I also gave up smoking YEARS ago, BUT, that's another forum. 15 years after I gave up, a scan showed the damage that had been done over the years and had not cured itself. Just a friendly observation guys. Take care Alan
  13. Joelay, cherish those dealers. They can save you heaps of money, and, by you realizing this, will have another loyal customer. I would have used a school of neons, six or so. They are colorful and show off well, and are our cheapest fish in NZ. Alan
  14. IMHO, as long as the temp. is gradually raised there will be no problems. Alan
  15. woops, just did a search in NZ imports allowable. Hurry Ira, and anyone else into these, then start breeding them. Alan
  16. Interesting Ira maybe they are B----- but those that do THE job aren't doing it properly Make the most of them b4 they're discovered then. Alan
  17. The fish population. What else did you think? Huh? Huh? Alan
  18. The T. are a species of fish that the boffons believe could survive and breed in our natural environment and do as Caryl says. Alan
  19. About the hi, I never got one when hit by a dose of the fumes, so yes, I suppose you could say I've a little experiance. As for the danger, THAT is something I know about. The acidic fumes, destroys the plura (spp) of the lungs, and you drown in your own juices. A friend of mine had to go to Australia's dry north, to get away from the 90% plus atmosphere of Rotorua, to be able to live a little longer. He use to own the Kurau Park Aquarium, and made all his own tanks, but finally paid for it, with his life. SO BEWARE Work in a draught inside, or better still outside. Alan
  20. I personally would have trouble seeing so few fish. I would increase as the urge leads me. (Which is often.) IMHO you are definitely not over stocked Alan
  21. That fish would be banned in NZ. Hold on, I'll rephrase that. That fish is banned in NZ. It is one of the Tilapia family. All T. species are banned here. Alan
  22. If they have not got pink eyes, they are not albinos, just white convicts. In other words they have been misnamed. Alan
  23. Fantastic Kim Enjoyed your album. Babies are coming on well aren't they. Question, What are those, presumably, Rasbora with the red slash from their eye? And what would they cost a customer? Thanks Kim Alan
  24. Just make sure that it is "acidic cure", and color to suit your needs.DON'T get the stuff with anti fungi in it or alkaline cure. The smell of it will let you know the correct one . It smells like strong vinegar, and is DANGEROUS to your lungs in enclosed areas. DO NOT breathe the fumes. It wont give you a hit. Alan
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