It apears to me that some are taking a sightly frivolous view of what I said.
I DIDNT say that it had that warning on the tube.
If they did, their sales obviously would drop.
I do think that a warning that a respiratory mask should be worn could be displayed.
I also knew the guy I referred to quite well.
He had made tanks for years, and his health deteriorated to the point, where he had to leave for drier climes to prolong his life.
I mentioned about the fumes as a warning, why pollute your body, with a damaging substance, when with a bit of knowledge, and care, it can be minimised.
When ever you feel that burning sensation, you've just done some damage.
Give it time, and you'll be like that guy.
By the way,
I also gave up smoking YEARS ago, BUT, that's another forum.
15 years after I gave up, a scan showed the damage that had been done over the years and had not cured itself.
Just a friendly observation guys.
Take care