Catbrat, that is a male Aphyosemion filamentosum
The females that they have allocated for them are NOT
the one with two stipes on them as they say they are.
So beware
The suppliers overseas, ripped of the local wholesalers and sent female bivattatums as their pair. Now they, the wholesalers are thinking twice about importing killies, damn.
How do I know
I bought 10 pairs to get the breed going in NZ in the NZKA.
but was shocked when I opened the box.
Only 19, big deal
3 males, that will stop any major breeding plans
16 females, woops, wrong species.
So while I awaited the wholesaler to do something about it
I lost 4.
But then made a suggestion to the sender, which she graciously agreed to and took the fish back at no cost to me.
I hope she doesn't pay the wholesaler, or negotiates a good price.
Thankyou so much ***
If you want to admit to it, kewl.
So if you want display fish of this species, go for it
But don't touch the females unless you have a cast-iron guaranttee, of a return at no cost, if they are not correct.
The females will be the same shape as the male, shorter finnage and a lot less color.
Good luck with your killie keeping.
We have a postal group called the NZKA, so if you are interested in joining up with them.
Read how to in your year-book.
That is of course if you are a member of a club affiliated to the FNZAS.