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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Awwwww gee Mitch. dats kewl :roll: Alan
  2. I'm sure you would have Mitch Alan
  3. Shame most of the males are only any good for decoration tho at that price Alan
  4. and that is wot I think too I got "Blacklisted" by the seller on TradeMe for challenging him I can't ask him any questions But please feel free to do so your self. Let the buyers realize from the questions that they are being duped Alan
  5. You have to use it for three days while the little beastie goes thru it's life cycle. Even when the signs are gone from the fish, "they" are still lurking Alan
  6. Alan

    giant gourami

    But they aren't as big as "Helen" for $20.00 No way Alan
  7. Alan

    Where's Pies?

    When ever is he wrong It's just a different point of view :roll: Alan
  8. and your tank need s recycling, according to what I've read using ammo-lok ??? Alan
  9. Alan

    Urgent Help

    I thought it was you that knew about that Warren Have you ever heard of akrflavine being used to hold killi eggs from hatching?? In other words, getting all the eggs to hatch on the one date. Alan
  10. some also see it as green Alan
  11. That's an easy one Lacustrus Common name Blue rainbow Alan
  12. I know about those eggs too. Brass me off, the plants looked like they had xmas decoon them. All these little white furry balls. Unfertilised eggs. GGGRRRRRRRRRR :evil: Alan
  13. If I could have been able to get them; the fish I had, would not have gone back. Sorry, but if you find them, let me know please. Alan PS sorry about the double, no treble up. Something funny was happening on site this morning Al
  14. Alan

    hi from me to u

    The gals aren't too bad either, :oops: Alan
  15. Catbrat, that is a male Aphyosemion filamentosum The females that they have allocated for them are NOT the one with two stipes on them as they say they are. So beware The suppliers overseas, ripped of the local wholesalers and sent female bivattatums as their pair. Now they, the wholesalers are thinking twice about importing killies, damn. How do I know I bought 10 pairs to get the breed going in NZ in the NZKA. but was shocked when I opened the box. Only 19, big deal 3 males, that will stop any major breeding plans 16 females, woops, wrong species. So while I awaited the wholesaler to do something about it I lost 4. But then made a suggestion to the sender, which she graciously agreed to and took the fish back at no cost to me. I hope she doesn't pay the wholesaler, or negotiates a good price. Thankyou so much *** If you want to admit to it, kewl. So if you want display fish of this species, go for it But don't touch the females unless you have a cast-iron guaranttee, of a return at no cost, if they are not correct. The females will be the same shape as the male, shorter finnage and a lot less color. Good luck with your killie keeping. We have a postal group called the NZKA, so if you are interested in joining up with them. Read how to in your year-book. That is of course if you are a member of a club affiliated to the FNZAS. Alan
  16. Use a water blaster. Then leave it in a warm position for the sun to dry off the outer surface That will almost kill any algae on it, also any animal life you may not want to introduce to your tank. Alan
  17. OK Thanks for that guys. I have it sussed out now. many thanks for all the offers. Boy do you guys know how to change a thread :roll: lol :lol: Alan
  18. Are panty hose are safe for fishtanks? Yep, just give them a wash, then rinse out any trace of washing powder. Also, do the roots of the plants push thru the material into the peat? They can do, I don't leave it there that long, you could place a log or stone over that area to negate this problem How do you remove the roots from the peat if you have to dismantle the tank in the future? I would just pull them out if it occured. Also, how does it interact with the working of the UGF No effect on it at all, the peat extract is straight into the system as you required it to be, keep up tests until your requirements are met, then remove pillow. No Mess Charlie Alan
  19. When I have bred rains.. I've used java moss, but I've also used the same mops as we have used in killifish breeding. Another thing you could use is large Indian Ferns. But have them floating, they have a large amount of root structure to them. You also need tiny food to get them passed their first few swimming days, till they will confidently take BBS Alan
  20. I know JS, they weren't too happy with dealing with some one financially involved like them, in the hobby. Alan
  21. I've been asked by the curator of Kelly Tarltons, to whom he can refer for proper information about setting up and running a Marine Tank. He has many enquiries from visitors during and after their visits on how to go about this interesting part of the hobby. Is there anyone prepared to field these questions, do you know someone that would, are there any specialist club in Auckland that they could be refered to. I know you guys, gals, will come thru Thanks Alan
  22. Alan

    My Oscars

    Why the three weeks Pol? Is that when they start croaking on you?? Alan
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