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Everything posted by Alan

  1. In my experience with them, I've found them ok, until you have the problem of them mating and producing spawn and babies. Then they do go ballistic. Sometimes the female will kill the male, as she is the first protecter of the offspring. Alan 104
  2. Getin touch with Fishbait, he's breeding them. Alan 104
  3. Disappointed Mitch, but I'll put in your apology. Alan 104
  4. Check the legs into the bottom and top strigers to bring the leading edge of them level the top and bottom nogs to go to the perimeter to form an all around surface and nailing for the ply skinning. Nail the ply at 150 centers, they are acting as you bracing. (ply that is) Don't open the bottles till you have finished. Make sure you have polystyrene under the tank. OK?? Alan 104
  5. Be nice to see you Willie Your fee will be for the following year. The fees will prolly be $15 plus capitation Caryl. It was agreed at the last AGM to move it to $20 plus $5, but I will suggest it only go to the $15 +$5, total $20.oo at this AGM for the year 05 to 06. The meeting will be starting on time due to the fact that we have members from Wellington that are returning as soon as the meeting finishes. So be fair to them. DON"T BE LATE ANYONE Alan 104
  6. Try this site here for a bit of late research, there's heaps to find when you do a google "fishless+cycling". http://badmanstropicalfish.com/articles/article14.html Alan 104
  7. Woops Warren, just read your last line But now it doesn't matter, we know where Congo is from. There is a place off the Mt Wellington Highway that have a large selection of stones, gravels, etc. But I don't know their name sorry. Alan 104
  8. He may not have found any yet. Alan 104
  9. Warren, how do you assume "congo" comes from down south. I don't see anything in his profile to suggeat this. maybe it would be a reasonable idea to make it a compulsory part in the registration. By the way Congo, where are you from?? Alan 104
  10. Maybe worth while to use rain water, collected after it has rained a while to clean the air. Another way is to make a bed of peat in the bottom of the tank, remove the mops, and remove the peat, and water store every 14 days. It may work. I wonder about the sterilization part. Since the attack in NY, the airport surveilance has gone up, and I wonder if the X-ray machines could do the act. Do you belong to a killi group there? If not, join up, and I'm sure it won't be long before you have got juvenile breeders to work with from other breeders. Now these ones you CAN rely on for breeding. They will be accustomed to your own conditions, and any probs, you'd be able to discuss with them. Alan 104
  11. I did something similar with a worm feeder. Now I sterilise plastics using chemicals. Alan 104
  12. Try taking out that pearl G that is doing the hassling. Put him into a corner blocked off from the rest, or into a spare tank for a couple of weeks. If it is him, things will start improving. Alan 104
  13. What are you using for a spawning site?? Did you get your females really fattened up before introducing to the male?? How old are the wanna be breeders?? I wouldn't worry about the water softness, unless of course your in a limestone area. Where did the fish come from, is it possible that they could have been sterilised?? Do you know anyone else who has this same line and is breeding them, if so how are they getting on?? Alan 104
  14. How long has the tank been set up. What filtration do you have. When did you last do a water change and how. PM me where you got the fish from Willie. Alan 104
  15. Hi PS, I use a tank for breeding the gardneri of a size, 300mm x 200mm x 200mm. Using normal aged tap-water. Using floating mop of acrilic-wool, and one male to two females that have all been conditioned on GOOD fish food.(I use live food,mozzie lavae). You should be picking eggs within 24 hours of them being introduced. Take eggs away from adults for max. results and store in a small container with a touch of methylene blue or akraflavine to control any fungii that may appear. Babies should hatch 10 to 12 days from laying. Babies will eat BBS at birth and grow rapidly. Bigger youngsters will eat their smaller siblings, so watch out for any major size differnce. Sexing of the young is done when the colours of the males start showing. Good luck. Alan 104
  16. Chop into small pieces, then deep freeze the lot together. Use a cheese-grater to get the amount you wish to feed. You could grate a larger amount and then put that into serving size paks. (medical-tablet bubbles). Alan 104
  17. Alan


    (((( HUGS)))) BB Alan 104
  18. Alan


    Isn't the Waitaks in Auck.? MMMMMMMMM Alan 104
  19. LOL, I thought that brown 'thing' was a rock and the fish was that 'thing' on it's head. Can see it now, thanks Vicki Alan 104
  20. Alan


    Wondered when your radar would home-in BB Nice to see, How's TJ and Eric?? Alan 104
  21. OK, what filtration are you using penejane?? Alan 104
  22. Alan

    Auckland visit

    Until next time Mitch. :roll: Alan 104
  23. They have actually been feeding in their mother's mouth for close on 20 days now, so they could fend for themselves. Of course if you want to improve their growth rate, go for the BBS. Any other food given to the mum, you will see her pick it up, munch it, then spit it over the babies to eat. Interesting behaviour. Alan 104
  24. I presume that the "fizz thingie" is the uplift to the u/gravel filter. If so, stuff the fish, turn it on, as you don't have any filtration, and unless you get it on quickly, you'll be back where you started from. UNCYCLED tank, or worse still, a toxic environment. Alan 104
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